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RanceLab Software User Help

Set  "Voucher Option = Yes" at Voucher Type and press enter

You get this option screen when you press enter after setting Transaction Options = Yes in Voucher Type

Voucher Type Master Entry screen.

Voucher Type set up in User Master entry screen

Set Yes at the respective voucher Type for which you like to set the Transaction Options (otherwise RanceLab will use the default options set)


Inventory Voucher  Options

Sale Challan Transaction Option

Rejection In Transaction Option

Sales Transaction Option

Sales Return Transaction Option

Sales Order Transaction option

Purchase Challan Transaction Option

Rejection Out Transaction Option

Purchase Transaction Option

Purchase Return Transaction Option

Purchase Order Transaction Option

Physical Stock Transaction Option

Opening Stock Transaction Option

Stock Transfer Indent Transaction Option

Stock Transfer Transaction Option

Stock Journal Transaction Option

Received from Customer Transaction Option

Issue to Jobber Transaction Option

Received from Jobber Transaction Option

Issue to Customer Transaction Option

Rate Change Voucher Option

Prepaid Transaction Option


Accounting Voucher Options

Receipt Transaction Option

Payment Transaction Option

Contra Transaction Option

Journal Transaction option

Opening Balance Transaction Option


Bulk Changes in Voucher Type and Designation Configuration


If you have hundreds of Sale Voucher types, it is difficult to add a new menu or MOP in each voucher type.



Added a button in Voucher Type Master “Copy Option to” (ALT+C)

It will open a list with following options

Voucher Option

Windows print Option

POS print Option

Open an existing  Voucher Master (to copy from)

On selection it will open a multi selection list of existing vouchers types

Select the required vouchers types (to paste to) and press ok

The voucher option will get copied to selected voucher types


Note: The same function is available in designation masters.

For example you may need to copy the action control of one designation to other designation in one go.