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RanceLab Software User Help

Contra Transaction Option

You get this screen when you press ALT + O or click button "-O Opt Voucher" in the Voucher Entry.

The entry screen is similar to Receipt Transaction options.

Prompt for  UDF

Set Yes to prompt UDF box during save the Scan POS transaction else set No.

Ask Before Saving  

Set Yes to prompt “Confirm Entry”, before saving the voucher, Set No to auto save the voucher without asking for confirmation.

Auto Preview after Save

Yes = Print preview of the bill will be appeared after the transaction being saved.

No = Any kind of preview of the bill will not be appear after the transaction being saved.

Quick Print = Bill will be printed as soon as after the transaction being saved through the default printer set for the system.

Select Print = Select Printer window will be appeared as soon as after the transaction being saved. Here you can select desired printer to get print out from that.

Print Cheque

Ask = Will show a message asking to print the cheque or not

Yes = Will print the cheque without showing any message

No = will not print the cheque

Repeat Narration

Set Yes to populate previous narration automatically else set No. However, the same narration will not be populated if you exit from the voucher entry.

Method of Entry

Set method of entry either Single Mode or Multiple Mode. In Single mode you will have to enter only Debit or Credit, In Multiple Mode both Debit and Credit.

For more detail please visit:

Is it possible to create single mode voucher entry inRanceLab?

Narration for Each Entry

Set Yes to enter narration for each entry row level else set No. Entering the narration in each entry row level is optional, if require you may enter otherwise it may be ignored.

Select type of Printing

Select the method of bill printing :

POS method to print in narrow roll paper  

Windows method for printing in standard Stationery

Auto Print After Save (POS)

Ask = Will show a message asking to print the pos bill or not

Yes = Will print the pos bill without showing any message

No = will not print the pos bill