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Physical Stock Transaction Option

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Physical Stock Transaction Option

You get this screen when you press ALT + O or click button "-O Opt Voucher" in the Physical Stock Taking.

Scan Field

This option controls the scan function available in scan field available in most of the transaction.

None: If you set this, it will disable input in scan field. If you start typing it will open the product list.

Default: Use this if you want the input code to be searched on default i.e. internal Product Code  of  4 or 11 digit or UPC EAN Code.

Matrix Filed 1 to 3: This will search the input against data specified in matrix fields. For example as a mobile store owner you will enter IMEI number (available as printed barcode on the box) scans this code in Field 1 box during purchase entry. Now if you set Field 1 as scan field in Sale option, at POS when you scan IMEI number, RanceLab will look for this data in Field 1 and retrieve related product.

Matrix List 1 to 3: Same as Matrix Filed.

User Defined Code:  It will search the product with User Defined Code.

Ask Before Saving

Set Yes to ask “Confirm Entry”, before saving the voucher, Set No to auto save the voucher without asking for confirmation.

Auto Preview after Save

Yes = Print preview of the bill will be appeared after the transaction being saved.

No = Any kind of preview of the bill will not be appear after the transaction being saved.

Quick Print = Bill will be printed as soon as after the transaction being saved through the default printer set for the system.

Select Print = Select Printer window will be appeared as soon as after the transaction being saved. Here you can select desired printer to get print out from that.

Use Multiunit

Set it to Yes to allow maintaining more than One Unit for a Single Product.

For example a Product comes in Packs of 20 Pcs, here Packs & Pcs are two unit involved.

Note : This is only applicable if you set “Use Multiunit = Yes” in Global Option.

Column to Display on Screen

Purchase Rate

In the following fields, set Yes to show a separate column with the respective data. If you set No, the respective data would not be displayed

Set Yes to display the Purchase Rate in a separate column

Purchase Value

Set Yes to display the Purchase Value in a separate column

Sale Rate  

Set Yes to display the Sale Rate in a separate column

Sale Value

Set Yes to display the Sale Value in a separate column


Need to use the Default Barcode along with User Defined Code.

Scenario: You might have some products that has user defined code and some products with default barcodes. At the time of billing both the products needs to be scanned.


Solution: Added an option “Default + User Defined Code” in Scan Field List for following voucher option.

Sale Order

Sale Challan

Sane Invoice (Scan POS)

Sale Return

Purchase Return

Rejection In

Rejection Out

Stock Transfer Indent

Stock Transfer

Stock Journal

Physical Stock


Option Added to Enable Child in Entry in Vouchers

Added the following option in voucher option of following voucher types
Based on this option, you can enable childwise entry at voucher level, it will not depend on as per global settings


Enable Child in Entry = Yes / No

Sale Order
Physical Stock
Stock Transfer

Stock Indent
Stock Journal

Sale : (While Populating Sale Order)
Sale Challan : (While Populating Sale Order)

If in TAG "Enable Child in Entry = No" then voucher level option will not work.
If in TAG "Enable Child in Entry = Yes" then voucher level option will work.
It means if you want to implement the voucher level option then you must set the TAG "Enable Child in Entry = Yes".