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Rejection Out Transaction Option

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Rejection Out Transaction Option

You get this screen when you press ALT + O or click button "-O Opt Voucher" in the Rejection Out.


Buttons of Rejection Out Transaction are explained in Purchase Return Transaction Option. Buttons specific to the report are discussed here:

Allow Negative Stock

Set Yes to allow create a voucher even if the stock will go negative

Allow Return Without Purchase

Yes will restrict to create transaction of a product which is not received at all, No will allow Rejection Out entry irrespective of item is received at all or not.

Supplier Specific Purchase Return

Set Yes where you have to specify the old reference of supplier

Auto Fill Challan Detail

Set Yes to carry the related details from the referred Purchase Challan. If you set No, no data from Challan will be carried.

Need to use the Default Barcode along with User Defined Code.

Scenario: You might have some products that has user defined code and some products with default barcodes. At the time of billing both the products needs to be scanned.


Solution: Added an option “Default + User Defined Code” in Scan Field List for following voucher option.

Sale Order

Sale Challan

Sane Invoice (Scan POS)

Sale Return

Purchase Return

Rejection In

Rejection Out

Stock Transfer Indent

Stock Transfer

Stock Journal

Physical Stock


Enhancement in Transactions


Restrict Warehouse

An option ( Restrict Warehouse = No / Yes) has been added in Sale Scan POS, Sale Challan, Purchase Return and Rejection Out. If this option is set to yes, then

User will be not allow to change the warehouse from list

Stock of default warehouse will be shown in the child list

It will check the stock for the default warehouse during the scan.