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RanceLab Software User Help

Main > Property Management  > Transaction > Room Booking

Transactions like booking of room, check-in, check-out, full & final settlement etc. can be done from here.

This is very useful and all of the above transactions are performed very easily in a single window.


1.From main menu go to the Room Booking (H > T > B)

2.Press Alt + L at field “Group Owner” and select the Guest / Customer  from the list.

3.Select the source of business like or at field “Business Source”.

4.Select the Place of Market like Agent Ref., Guest Ref., Walk-ins etc. at field “Market Place”.

5.Select Tours & Travel agent at field “Agent”. You can create Agent from Sales Person master (M > O > S)

6.Then click on OK

7.To perform PMS transactions please go through the Room Booking Buttons below:

Need to add one more listing option Aadhar Card for Identity Type

In Property Management,Under Room Reservation(H-T-B) - Modify Booking(ALT+M), The Identity Type list added an option  "Aadhar card".


Room Status in Room View is Not Updated After Check-out

Now you can change housekeeping status from room view screen. Just right click to open context menu, and select the one option to change Housekeeping Status to



Touch Up

Now In Room View Screen, you can see the housekeeping status in text as Clean or Dirty Or Touch Up below Room Number.

In Room Reservation Voucher Option >  under Room Reservation Option, we have added an option “Room Status Default View = TL (timeline) View / Room View
Based on this option, the default view in Room Status Screen (H T S) will open.


Added Reservation Id for better Bill Wise Adjustment in case of Credit Card Receivable Ledger (PMS)

In Room Booking (HTB) >  Payment (Alt +T), during Payment thru credit card, Reservation Id will be added as reference number. It will help during bill wise reconciliation of credit card statement.