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Home Delivery Order Entry (Scan POS)

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Home Delivery from Sale Invoice (Scan POS) is helpful in case of delivery of grocery items, where customers generally prefer to shop once in a month.

Number of Home Delivery packets for a single order may increase any time.

Introducing Simple Home Delivery Concept:

Imagine a popular restaurant where dine-in, take away and home delivery transactions are done in equal volumes. There are 2 or 3 pos counters and the operators needs to handle all the above transactions. In addition to above they also need to handle the driver dispatch and  driver arrival.

For this, in table mode, quick mode and home delivery customer screen we have added two button 1) Driver Assign and 2) Driver Arrival

Driver Assign Screen

oYou can select the driver and then scan the bar-code of the bill. This will record the bill with the selected driver.

oYou can also select the bill by a list or enter the bill number manually.

oYou can select multiple bills.

oIt does not print trip sheet.

Driver Arrival Screen

oIt is the same as old arrival screen with following difference

oIt works without trip id check

oIt does not show or check closing meter, vehicle no, delivery date time and delay reason.

oIt shows total of all pending trip of the selected driver

oIt has a button "Order Detail". Clicking this button shows all the assigned invoices of that particular driver irrespective of trip id.


FAQ: How to un-assign a driver? I have already assigned a driver for a invoice. Now for some reason we need to assign this to another driver. How?

In case you need to cancel the trip / un-assign the driver and to assign to other driver

Go to HD Report Screen

Select the order you want to un-assign > use the button Un-Assign

If it is a single order in that trip, it will cancel the trip.

Once the order is un-assigned you can assign it to other driver.

You may also use the button Cancel Trip Alt+A to cancel the trip.


FAQ: How to add item / void item / void bill or do some change in the order?

Go to HD Report Screen by pressing Alt + F3 from table mode or HD customer screen.

Select the order you want to modify

Do the change and save.


FAQ: The customer screen has too many fields. Can I have a screen with lesser fields?

Go to Sale Option > Set Use Simple HD Customer Screen = Yes

It will remove certain fields like street, related location and alternate address which is used to map the delivery and efficiency.


FAQ: Can I still use the function of original home delivery such as check meter in driver arrival?

The original home delivery is build for a team where each of the activity ( order taking, dispatch and arrival ) is done by separate operator.

The simple mode (using driver assign and driver arrival) is for a team where a single operator need to take care of ordering, despatch and arrival.

However, we have added a field in Vehicle Master

Check Meter in HD : Yes / No


FAQ: How to open HD report screen from Quick Mode

Quick mode > H > it will open HD customer screen

Press Alt + F3 to open HD Report.


FAQ: What is the package is destroyed or the customer says “I did not order this, I wanted that”

The driver has to call the outlet and inform about the situation.


The operator need to do the needful  - i.e. void the item or order and take a new order.


Driver Assignment on Home Delivery

When we assign deliveries to the driver in FR, send SMS to Driver with following details.


Example: Let’s say a driver is assigned with three deliveries 3 SMS will be sent to the driver as under


Order # 2020/5/12 <MEMO-ID>


Customer: Ramesh <CUSTOMER-NAME>



Order # 2020/5/14

Amount: 296 (paid)

Customer: Suresh

09876543211 [^]


Order # 2020/5/22

Amount: 439 (cod)

Customer: Mahesh

09876543213 [^]



To achieve Added in SMS Business Alert:

HD - Assign Driver to Driver


Following Tags are added as below:






















It will throw this SMS to the Driver when he is assigned.


Enhancement in Dispatch Home Delivery Report.


It is time taking process for people who do not have own drivers. They need a simple process to take payment (settle) without assigning the drivers.



In Designation Setup ( M>O>D ), an option had been added under Designation Action Control setting:

Allow Payment without Dispatch = No / Yes

If Allow Payment Without Dispatch = yes

Then the payment button will not check for assigned.

It will just mark the status as delivered.

If the payment is due, it will open the tender screen to receive the payment and mark delivered.


In Alt + D (Assign button),

All the selected invoice will be populated in the "Home Delivery Driver Assign Screen" after selecting the driver.

Related Faq:

How to manage area wise minimum billing amount and delivery charges for the Home Delivery transaction?