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RanceLab Software User Help

Main Menu > Master > F&B > Menu Management

Here you create a menu and the respective Items in the Menu.

Require Tax Column in Menu Product Rate Change Screen

In Menu Management(M-F-M) - Change Rate(ALT+R) ..

In this report added field "Tax.”  


Note:'Tax Column' is for display purpose only. Could not change Tax from here


Rate change from a single screen of all the menus.


If you want to change the menu rate of a product attached to a different menu, we have to enter every menu item manually. So it requires a single screen from where we can change the rates of menus.  



In Menu Management (MFM) - Added a button "Change Rate (ALT+R)"

It will Show item-wise reports of all menu with following fields.

Product Name

Menu Name

Rate (Editable)

Users can change the rate of a product in all menus from here and save in one go.


Create a group box (favourites) in S>T>T Menu - Social Selling.


To help captains suggest quickly and sell more need an auto-created group box of favourite items in the touch pos menu. This list is made based on all customer's past orders.


In Menu Management(M-F-M), two more fields were added.

Show Favorite Items Based on Last sale Days  = 0

Show No of Favorite Items = 0


Added one column in Product row “Show Favorite = Yes/No.”


In Sub Menu (MFN) - Added one column in Group row.

Show Favorite: Yes/No


Based on these options in Touch POS sale - a Group "Favorite" will be added in the group section automatically at last position.

On selecting this Group, it will show items based on the above options from Menu.


Item suggestion based on the selection of primary food item - Suggestive Selling.


Need Item suggestion based on the selection of primary food items - For Suggestive Selling, which will increase the sale and help the captain suggest the right product to the right customer easily and quickly.



In Menu Management  (M>F>M)  added an option.

Suggest  Item =  "No/Yes/Ask".


And in Sale Option, add an option.

Check No of days Sale for suggesting items = 0


Based on this option, in touch pos billing on the selection of an item, a list will open with suggestive items based on a frequency that is ordered along with the main item in the last “n” of days.


Option to Print Coupon for Selected Items in a Bill

Now in Sale Touch POS, to print the coupon for selected products, you need to do the following

In Menu Master (M>F>M ) > Set Counter = None for products that does not required coupon to be printed.

In S>T>S >  Sale Option ( Alt + O ) > Set Print Coupon = Yes

In S>T>S  > Print Option (ALt + R) >  Set Counter Detail For Coupon = Counter


How to import menu?  Or How to modify menu in one go?

Scenario: It is required to import a new menu from excel file or update existing one.

A new button has been added in the menu master (M>F>M). Once you press this button, it will ask for an Excel file.

The Excel file should have two columns in Sheet 1

Column A1: Product Name

Column B1: Sale Rate

If the item is not present in product master, then it will show a message and skip the row.

If the item is not present in the menu, then it will add it. It will import the provided rate, but it will use the default value for other fields.

If the item exists in the menu, then it will update the item with the new rate. In this case, there will be no changes in the other values.