This menu contains following setting options
•Regional Setting: To set up settings applicable for each country in the country master
•Currency: To set up the particulars of each currency created
•Units of Measure: To set up various unit of measures for Stock Items (like, Kg, Pcs, etc)
•Station Setup: Set up the particulars of each workstation (terminal)
•List Editor: Specify the properties of the drop down selection list to select an Item from the list
•Global Option : To set up the data sending methods (e.g FTP, E-mail, Instant Messaging, IP, Offline etc.)
•Number Code: Number codes used to convert base Numbers to any specified number or alphabet.
•User Defined Fields: Using this feature it is possible to maintain various user defined data.
•Button Reorganize: You can arrange buttons on every screen of the RanceLab RanceLab software.
•Festival Master: View reports as per Festival date range.