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Stock Replenishment Report

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Main Menu > Warehouse Management > Analysis Tools > Stock Replenishment Report

To maintain your auto purchase-order use Stock Replenishment Report.

RanceLab RanceLab will calculate required stock quantity according to the data provided by you.

To generate a Stock Replenishment Report first create a ROQ (Re-Order Quantity) master by using the “–R Define ROQ” button, available on this screen.

Unit field required at Stock Replenishment Report


In the Stock Replenishment Report, some master attributes are already associated with Product name, Brand, Group, Subgroup, Department, Item Type.

The requirement is to provide a “Unit Name” column for the quantity of item which column chooser can choose.



Go to Stock Replenishment Report(W-A-Q)-->Select Product > Press(Alt+F3) > by column chooser drag this “Unit” field to see Product unit name.