House Status
Total Rooms
Total number of rooms in the hotel for the day.
Out of Order
Out of Order. Number of rooms that are blocked for use. Hoteliers generally use to keep the room Out of Order which is currently under construction or maintenance. Check-in is not allowed if the room is out of order. In order to block or unblock a room please refer to the buttons "-U Block" and "^U Unblock" in the Room Status.
Rooms Available
Total Room - Out of Order.
Rooms Occupied
Total number of rooms in which the guests are staying for the day.
Rooms Reserved
Total number of rooms reserved to be checked in for the day.
Total Guest
Total number of in house guests for the day.
Occupancy %
It shows occupancy rate in % for the day or a given date range.
Calculating Formula:
Room Sold * 100 / Total number of rooms exclude the rooms which are out of order.
It reveals the success of a hotel in attracting guests to a hotel. While higher rate shows success in attracting the customers, lower rate shows an inability in attracting.
Average Daily Rate (ADR)
It shows the Average Daily Rate for a day or given date range.
Calculating Formula:
Total Room Revenue includes Inclusions / Room Sold for a day.
It is one of the most common financial indicators to measure how well a hotel performs compared to its competitors and itself (year after year). Gradual increase in ADR year after year brings in more revenue.
It shows the Revenue Par Available Room for a day or a given date range.
Calculating Formula:
Occupancy % * ADR
or Total Revenue / Total Room
It is one of the most common financial indicators used in hotel industries to make comparison between hotels of the same type. It reveals how much more or less rate a hotel is charging compared to its competitors.
Average Rate Per Guest (ARG)
Hoteliers should consider not only the revenue generated by each room (RevPaR), but also the revenue generated by each guest, from booking to check out.
This may include additional revenue generated by dining, recreation (golf, spa services, excursions and so on) and meeting facilities.
Average Rate Par Guest (ARG) is often considered by a hotel when conducting their revenue management.
Calculating Formula:
Total Room Revenue / Number of Guests
Revenue Analysis
Add Ons/Inclusions
Revenue generated by the sale of Add Ons/Inclusions for the day.
Cancellation Charges A/C
Revenue generated as Cancellation Charges.
Closing Stock (P/L)
Value of closing stock in the Profit & Loss A/C for the day.
Discount Received
Discount received for the day.
No Show Charges A/C
Revenue generated as No Show Charges.
Room Charges A/C
Revenue generated by renting rooms for the day.
Sales A/C
Revenue generated by selling of F&B products for the day.
Sales Return
Sale Return for the day.