You can maintain inventory without the product child id concept. Steps to implement inventory maintenance without child id are as follows:
1.Go to Global Option (T > A > G)
2.Set “Order and Invoice Link On” = Product ID
3.Set “Enable Child in Entry” = No
4.Close the software and restart the software.
Sale Order:
•In case of sale order, child will be selected on the random basis.
•Sale ( During auto selection of items in order): Product wise stock will be checked and child will be automatically populated on the FIFO basis and order quantity will be adjusted accordingly.
•If in sale voucher option, ‘Allow Negative Stock= No’ and product stock is less than order quantity than order quantity will be consumed as per the stock. If stock is zero, then in that case of product will not be selected.
•If “Allow Negative Stock” = Yes , and stock is less than order quantity then balance order quantity will be consumed from last child populated.
Stock Transfer Indent:
•In case of stock transfer indent, child will be selected on the random basis.
Stock Transfer:
•Zero child of the product will be selected and product wise stock will be checked.
•During saving transferred quantity will be automatically adjusted against child stock on FIFO basis considering the option ‘Allow Negative Stock = Yes /No’
•Example: Product: Dabur Honey 500gm
Product Child ID |
Stock |
00YG0001001 |
30 |
00YG0002001 |
20 |
00YG0003001 |
10 |
If we transfer 50 pcs then it will take the following automatically
Product Child ID |
Stock |
00YG0001001 |
30 |
00YG0002001 |
20 |
Physical Stock:
•Physical stock is entered against zero or last child of the product.
•During saving quantity will be automatically assigned to child on LIFO basis.
Stock Journal:
•In Consumption, Excess, Shortage and Wastage, during saving child of the product will be adjusted on the FIFO basis.
Negative Stock Checking:
•The negative stock checking will be based on the product wise stock.