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Guest In House List

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Main > Property Management  > Report > Guest In House Report

It shows the list for resident guests present in the property for the date range

It  also shows scheduled check-in vs actual check-in and scheduled check-out vs actual check-out along with the Guest Name, Room Type, and Room No etc.

Number of adult and childe in this report is calculated based on the date range.

Columns in the Guest In House List:

Columns in Guest In House List are explained in Reservation List. Columns specific to the report is discussed here:


Schedule check-in date.


Schedule check-out date.

Actual Check-in

Actual check-in date.

Actual Check-out

Actual check-out date.


Buttons in the Guest In House List:

Buttons in Guest In House List are explained in Reservation List Report.


Required report fields in Guest In House List


In PMS, police verification reports need to be submitted; some information is required.

In the Guest in House List report according to the view required by police.



In Guest In House list report ( H>R>H ), the following fields are added:

Arrival Notes

Arrival Time

Booking Dt

Booking Time

Check-in Time

Check-out Time

Departure Mode

Departure Notes

Departure Time

From City


To City