Main Menu > Sale Management > Analysis Tools > Sales (Day/Time)
This report shows the weekly analysis of Sales for each hour of the week. This helps to plan manpower and display area at different hours (morning / noon/ evening) and days (weekdays / holidays).
The report also shows hour wise sales total for the week (indicating lean and busy hours) and daily sales totals.
Columns in the Sales (Day/Time) as follows:
Age Day
Shows item age in number of days.
Age Month
Shows item age in number of month(s).
Age Week
Shows item age in number of week(s).
Age Year
Shows item age in number of year(s).
Dt Day
Shows calendar date wise report.
Dt Day of Week OR Weekdays
Shows weekly calendar days wise report like Monday, Sunday etc.
Dt Month
Shows monthly report from January to December.
Dt Quarter
Shows quarterly report. E.g. 1, 2, 3 and 4.
Dt Day of Year
Shows report from 1st days to last day of the year. E.g. from 1 to 365.
Dt Week of Month
Shows calendar week wise report. E.g. 1 to 5.
Dt Week of Year
Shows yearly week wise report. E.g. 1 to 53.
Buttons in the Sales (Day/Time):
Buttons in Sales (Day / Time) are explained in Using Reports (Register) and Periodical Purchase Report.