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RanceLab Software User Help

Sale Voucher Type Window Print Option

You get this screen when you press ALT + W or click button "-W Opt Prn Win" in the Sale Invoice (Scan POS).

Set Print Option (Windows)


Enter the Header of the document

Document Title

Enter the Document Title (e.g. Invoice Cum Challan)


Enter the text that you may print at the last lines of the document

Format Files

Press <enter> and select the format files of the report from the list. You may select more than one formats, then during printing, you will get the formats selected are in the list of selectable formats, from where you may select the desired format.

Print Multiple Format

Set Yes if you like to print in multiple formats (e.g Sale Invoice, Delivery Challan, Packing Slip, etc. User can attach this in format file field above and set Yes here. Once a bill is saved, all the documents will be printed one after another

Coupon for Package

Format File for Package

Press Enter key then select print format file for the Coupon Packages. Default file is Packages Print.repx.


eReceipt - Bill on SMS with Permanent Link for later retrieval.


Need to send eReceipt - Bill on SMS  with permanent link for later retrieval on customer mobile as soon as the transaction is complete.Similar to thank you messages we send after finishing the transaction.



Added an option in Sales Windows Print Option  

Format File for SMS Link: single select.”

In SMS business alert one report as “Sale Link”  has been added.

If the transacted customer has an associated mobile number, then the link will be sent automatically if we set “Auto” in the “To” field.


Credit Limit field is not available in the Sale Invoice Preview.


It is required to provide a field for credit limit in sale invoice windows preview. So that customer can easily check their credit limit provided for billing.



A field for “credit limit” has been added in windows preview in Sale Invoice.


Requirement is to add product UDF Field in product info at Sale Invoice Scan POS.

All the User Defined Fields of Product Master has been added for windows printing in Sale Invoice Scan POS ( S>T>S ).


CRM Points Fields required in Windows bill print for Scan and Touch POS sale.

In Touch POS windows bill print designer, the following fields had been added:

Opening Points

Earned Points

Redeemed Points

Closing Points


In Scan POS bill customization one field Redeemed Points is added:


NOTE: In Sale Invoice windows designer “CU-Redeemed Point” field will show total redeemed point of a particular customer and it will not show the redeemed point of a particular voucher.


Guidelines to implement Indian GST in RanceLab

Enhancement in Masters for Indian GST Readiness

Added fields related to GST invoice in windows bill designer. Also included ready-to-use REPX files for standard GST formats.


Credit note related fields have been added in the sale windows print.

Credit  Note No

Credit Note Date

Actual Amt

Adjusted Amt

Balance Amt