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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.894

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Rancelab Release 2.894

Rate change from a single screen of all the menus.


If you want to change the menu rate of a product attached to a different menu, we have to enter every menu item manually. So it requires a single screen from where we can change the rates of menus.  



In Menu Management (MFM) - Added a button "Change Rate (ALT+R)"

It will Show item-wise reports of all menu with following fields.

Product Name

Menu Name

Rate (Editable)

Users can change the rate of a product in all menus from here and save in one go.

Allow to accept ledgers under fixed assets and expenses in Product Master.


Currently to avail GST against booking of an asset purchase or expenses as service, in FR we have to enter through the purchase invoice. The mapping of fixed assets and expenses ledger is challenging.



Product Master(M>I>P) - Sale and Purchase ledger mapping under other information will show all the ledgers and the sale and purchase group.


Require a process to auto adjust the stock transfer indent after a certain period.


After a certain time, if there is any pending stock indent, it should be adjusted by an auto process.



In Process Scheduler (TMP) -Added one more process.

"Auto Adjust Stock Transfer Indent"

Based on the data period, the system will auto adjust all the pending indents to date.


Require status column in Token Display system

At present, in the Token display system (TDS), we are showing only ready to serve orders, Now required to show all pending orders either ready or on preparation.

In Station Master (TAS) - Fusionmobi Setting - Under KDS Display Settings added options.


Show Orders = Ready / being Prepared / All

Show Status = No/Yes.


Ready = show ready to serve orders (Red in KDS)

On Prep = Show orders under preparation (Green in KDS)

All = Show Both Ready to serve + On Preparation


Based on this option, In Token Display System (TDS) in Fusion Mobi.

Added a column "Status."

Status = Ready (for ready to serve orders)

Status = On Prep (under preparation orders)

Scheme required to Issue Gift vouchers to customers based on bill value.


Require to assign a gift voucher to a customer against a specific bill amount.


Issue a Rs 100 gift voucher for bill amount >=500 during the sale


Issue two Rs 100 gift vouchers for bill amount >=1000 and so on.



In Scheme & Promotion (MIS) added  a new Discount Type "Issue Gift Voucher."

With the following fields.

On Amount: Bill value

Gift Voucher Name: List of the gift voucher

Qty: number of quantity

In Gift voucher master (M>I>G>) added a field "Redeem on Minimum Amount = 0."

Based on this amount gift voucher will be redeemed if the bill value is within the defined limit."



Based on this scheme, a gift voucher will be assigned and printed automatically. It will work independently irrespective of other schemes.



Do not allow expired products in Stock Transfer.


In Stock Transfer (W-T-T) stop allowing the expired product during voucher.




In Stock Transfer Master(W-T-T)> added an option.

"Allow transfer of expiry Product=Yes/No/Ask."


If Allow Transfer of Expiry Product = No. It will show a message "Product is already expired", and will not add Expiry products to transfer vouchers.

If Allow Transfer of Expiry Product = Ask. It will show a Message "Product is already expired".Would you like to Continue?"

If Allow Transfer of Expiry Product = Yes. It will add the products to the transfer voucher without any message.



It will not work in import.


Require a few new schemes for promotion.


10% discount on minimum purchase of RS.500, up to Rs.50 off for each, for next five transactions when you pay via credit card, valid till 31-10-2019



To achieve this, we will set up a scheme like this.


In Bill Discount Scheme If Disc% = 10 and Disc Amt = 0, the discount will be calculated without any max limit.

If Disc% = 0 and Disc Amt = 100 than the flat discount of 100 will be charged without any max limit.

If Disc% = 10 and Disc Amt = 100 than discount will be calculated with a max limit of 100.

Note:For transaction limit, we can apply discount coupon code with max redeem limit.



Recall Customer: Automated process to assign Gift Voucher, Discount Coupon.


Require an automated process to assign gift vouchers or discount coupons based on the last visit.



In process scheduling(T>M>P), two processes have been added.

➢ Assign Gift Voucher

➢ Assign Discount Coupon

In "Process Scheduler" the following fields are added...

➢ Days: Number of days on which the last visit will be checked.

➢ Voucher Name: List of GV and Discount coupon

Based on this setting system will assign GV or DC to the customers.



The system will not show a message if there is not enough stock of GV or DC.

Users should have to ensure sufficient stock of GV or DC.

SMS will be sent to the customer with detail if set in SMS alert.



Create a group box (favourites) in STT Menu - Social Selling.


To help captains suggest quickly and sell more need an auto-created group box of favourite items in the touch pos menu. This list is made based on all customer's past orders.


In Menu Management(M-F-M), two more fields were added.

Show Favorite Items Based on Last sale Days  = 0

Show No of Favorite Items = 0


Added one column in Product row “Show Favorite = Yes/No.”


In Sub Menu (MFN) - Added one column in Group row.

Show Favorite: Yes/No


Based on these options in Touch POS sale - a Group "Favorite" will be added in the group section automatically at last position.

On selecting this Group, it will show items based on the above options from Menu.

Require auto process scheduler to update customer card type.


At present, we can update card type manually from customer master by using button "Update Card Type" based on slab defined in customer option. It is required to update this card automatically based on the last no days' sales.



In the Customer master(M>O>C) option - three options are added under CRM option section.

Update Card Type on = Points/Sale Amount

Point/Sale Range for update Card Type

Consider Sale for last days = 365 (Any Number) days.


In Process Scheduler (T>M>P)  added one process.

"Update Customer Card Type"


This process will automatically upgrade or downgrade the card type based on the customer option.


Require an auto process to expire points not consumed after a certain period.


Currently, there is no option to expire points. Require a Lapse Policy to expire or cancel the points after some time.



Customer visits on 14th Feb 2019, his points will expire on 13th Feb 2020 (if validity days is 365).



The Customer Master (M-O-C) option - added one option.

Expire points earned before = 365 (any number) days.

In Process Scheduler (T>M>P) - added a process "Expire CRM Points."

This process will run as per the frequency and expire the points.

Say if we run the process on 12-12-19 then points earned before 12-12-18 (if we count 365 days) will expire if not redeemed.