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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.914

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Rancelab Release 2.914

Optimization required for speed up branch database creation

At present even for one GB database, branch DB creation process is running very slow.

The optimisation is done to speed up the process.


Unit field required at Stock Replenishment Report


In the Stock Replenishment Report, some master attributes are already associated with Product name, Brand, Group, Subgroup, Department, Item Type.

The requirement is to provide a “Unit Name” column for the quantity of item which column chooser can choose.



Go to Stock Replenishment Report(W-A-Q)-->Select Product > Press(Alt+F3) > by column chooser drag this “Unit” field to see Product unit name.


Require invoice with KOT print from KOT popup screen in call centre module


Online orders must generate bills on delivery. Restaurant orders also require KOT to be printed at the kitchen for preparation. When frequent orders are in a queue at the call centre POPUP. Users are bound to stick with their hands-on frequent orders acceptance.



In sale Option - Under Touch POS section - added an option.

Print KOT with Receipt from Popup = No/Yes.


Based on this option, When the Print Bill button is used in KOT Popup, KOT will be printed along with Bill.

In Sale Touch POS and Scan Pos need a process to remove service charge in a single click


In restaurants, service charge is not mandatory, and owners can apply the service charge in the bill, customers can refuse to pay, so removing service charge is a tedious job. With a Single Click, Customers can remove Service Charge in the bill.


In Tax Master (MAT) - add an option

Equivalent Tax Without Service Charge = List of tax master


In Sale Scan, Pos and Touch Pos - added a button "Remove SC" in the order screen.

It will be used to change the default tax applied in the bill with the tax mapped against Equivalent Tax Without Service Charge in tax master.


Enhancement in Voucher Numbering

In Voucher Type(MAV), here added an option.

Auto Prefix VchIDYMD = Yes/No.


If we select “Yes” then Auto Prefix date will show in all reports as per number System Selected, select “No” then do not Show auto prefix date.