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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.871

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Rancelab Release 2.871

Require restriction on accepting another location challan in Invoice.


There are 2 locations (Say Location A & Location B). When a user tries to track the challan number in invoice through alt+A, Challan enters location A and can be tracked at location B, which shouldn't happen. It should be restricted.



Now it will check the challan location. If the challan location is different and the invoice location is different, then you can not track the challan by pressing alt + A.

Require CRM points related field in Customer wise Sale Report (SAS)

In Customer wise Sale Report (SAS) - added following fields.

Opening Pt

Earned Pt

Redeemed Pt

Balance Pt

Store Currency (Equivalent currency of balance points)


New SMS Item

Settings > SMS and Email Settings > SMS Scheduler

New Report Item

Feedback < 5

Feedback < 4

Feedback < 3


This SMS is similar to Thank You SMS and will be triggered as soon as feedback data is saved. Based on the rating, one of the three Feedback type listed above will be executed.


Set of Variable for  Feedback


Keyword | Meaning

<Memo-No> | Memo No

<Amount> | Amount

<Table-Number> | Table Number

<Customer-Name> | Customer Name

<Location> | Location Name



Format: Customer <Customer-Name> at <Location>, Receipt <Memo-No>, <Amount> on Table <Table-Number> has given feedback below 5


The output will be like

Customer Sumit Sharma at New Town, Receipt 10/1028, Rs.4250.00 on Table 21 has given feedback below 5


List of SMS Tags









Add a vendor for Mswipe in Mode of Payment

Added a Vendor Mswipe.

You had to add a JSON of Mswipe credential.

{"username": "999999999", "password": "2222222"}

Added 'Direct to Mswipe device' in Type of Printing in FusionMobi Setting in Station Master.

If you set 'Direct to Mswipe device', then the bill is printed from the Mswipe device directly.

Require Product list should popup by default in (touch POS) sale.....


In Touch Pos sale, users will select products from the product list. It should popup  

By default, users will search for products from the list during order. But currently, this feature is not available.



Added one option in sale option

“Prompt to Select Item on Start” =   No/Yes/Always.”

Yes - open product list by default for Once.

Always - open product list by default again and again until Esc key is not

      pressed to close the list


If we set "Prompt for register mode"="Yes" &  "Prompt to select Item on start" = "Yes". then only register mode options will work.

Require Payment or Receipt voucher entry from Touch POS screen.

Scenario :

At present Payment or Receipt voucher entry is not possible from Touch POS

screen but in Sale Invoice (Scan POS) buttons are available for payment or

receipt voucher.



In Sale Invoice (Touch POS),  Layout Screen and Order Screen -  a button is

added called "Receipt Vch (Ctrl+V)".

During populating order in Invoice, a message should popup if there is no stock.


While populating Order in challan if negative stock not allowed then there

should be msg popup for no stock product.



Now it will show a message if we populate an order in challan in which products do not have stock. The message will be "No/Less stock found - Item Name."

eReceipt - Bill on SMS with Permanent Link for later retrieval.


Need to send eReceipt - Bill on SMS  with permanent link for later retrieval on customer mobile as soon as the transaction is complete.Similar to thank you messages we send after finishing the transaction.



Added an option in Sales Windows Print Option  

Format File for SMS Link: single select.”

In SMS business alert one report as “Sale Link”  has been added.

If the transacted customer has an associated mobile number, then the link will be sent automatically if we set “Auto” in the “To” field.


Redesign customer profile snippet on Selection of Customer at POS (STS|STT)


In FR and Fusion Mobi during billing on customer selection, the customer Information screen will come with the following fields.


Customer Name

Mobile: Mobile

Email: Email


Number of Visit: Number of Bill

Total Spent: Amount (Sale-Return)

Total Void Amount :

Total Discount Given :

Last Order (Amount): Bill Amount

Last Sale (days): Last Visited (Days)

Last Visit Date: Last Visited (Date)

Highest Spent: Max Bill Amt (Sale)

Lowest Spent: Min Bill Amt (Sale)

Points > Equivalent Money they can redeem

Status: Customer Type (Black List/VIP/Preferred)

Favourites Item



Added below Option in Customer Information - Option (CTI + Alt + O)

Show Feedback: No/Yes

Show Total Visits: No/Yes

Show Total Spent: No/Yes

Show Business Detail: No/Yes

Show Preferences: No/Yes

Show Loyalty Update: No/Yes

Show Favorites: No/Yes

Show Visit and Spend: No/Yes

In the sale option, we have to set show info on customer selection = Yes.

Require Email ID field in the Advance customer screen

In Global Option (TAG) - added an option.

Compulsory Email in Customer Master = No/Yes.


In Advance, Customer Screen, Added field "Email" under Mobile No

Based on this option email will be mandatory in both Customer and Advance Customer Screen.


City & State field should be Mandatory

In Global option - Add an option

Compulsory City and State in Masters = No/Yes

Based on this option City and State will be mandatory to enter in Customer and Account Master.

If the above option is Yes, then we will not allow None City /State in Master.

Note:We will check only Main city/State in Customer Master.



Need No of Pax Column In Sale Day Time Report

Added No of Pax Column In Sale Day/Time Report (SAD)


CRM Menu Changes

Menu related to CRM reshuffled

Refer to CRM Menu file in Google Docs