In windows template design, the “Sale Rate” field is added.
KOT number field is added in the Bill Cancellation Report.
In PMS, police verification reports need to be submitted; some information is required.
In the Guest in House List report according to the view required by police.
In Guest In House list report ( H R H ), the following fields are added:
●Arrival Notes
●Arrival Time
●Booking Dt
●Booking Time
●Check-in Time
●Check-out Time
●Departure Mode
●Departure Notes
●Departure Time
●From City
●To City
When there is more than 10000 and above data in Customer Master, Account Master & Product Master, it is difficult to open the list, and sometimes it shows out of memory error.
In Global Option ( T A G ) - Three options are added under section: Global Option.
Filter Customer Master List = No/Yes.
Filter Product Master List = No/Yes.
Filter Account/Ledger Master List = No/Yes.
If Yes, wherever you try to open the list in any master screen or any transactions,
a search screen with given parameters will open first, to filter the list
Search parameter for Customer Master
•Mobile No
•Card ID
•Customer Name
Search parameters for Product Master
•Product Name
•Product ID
Search Parameters for Ledger Master
▪Account/Ledger Name
●If the user enters less than five characters, then the list will not open.
●If the user enters five or more than five characters in any field, only then the list will open.
●If a user enters exact mobile no or card id, it will populate the customer in edit mode if it exists otherwise it will open in new customer creation mode with value.