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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.369

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Rancelab Release 2.369

SMS Notification on Bill Modification Or Discount

Scenario: The management may want to get an SMS if someone modifies the bill or apply the manual discount.  


Solution: In SMS Business Alert (Main > T M A), two new options has been added in report list

Sale Modification

Sale Discount

Also added a column “To” in report to send SMS notification to pre-defined mobile numbers. SMS will be sent to the mobile no. defined here. If this field is blank, SMS will be sent as per default setting.

Sale Modification (Available only in STS).

SMS should be sent on re-open and modification of bill. The following tags are available for use in SMS string.












Sale Discount (Available in STS and STT)

SMS will be sent for any kind of discount , for example  Card Discount, Manual Discount ,Price List Discount, Other Discount etc.  SMS will be sent after saving or finishing the bill. The following tags are available for use in SMS string.


- Memo-Date

- Memo-Time

- Memo-No

- Location

- User

- Customer-Name

- Bill-Amount

- Discount-Percent

- Discount-Amount

- Narration


Audit Report and Audit Report Masters is now available in Email Scheduler

In Email Scheduler (T M E), we have added the following option in the report list

Audit Report

Audit report (masters)

We have also added format file column to select the required repx format. It will help you to choose a customize format for the report to be emailed.


Added New Salutations in Customer Master

In Customer Master (M O C) following fields has been added in salutation list.






Reference Number Field has been added during Sale Import.


In the previous release, during sale import different sale vouchers are generated on basis of change on date,location name or customer. Now one more parameter is required to generate the different sale voucher even if other parameters are same.

To achieve this, during Sale Import, now you can consider the UDF1...UDF10 field as a factor for creating separate sale vouchers using the reference number field.


Added Security to Control the Number of Copy for Bill Print in the Designation Master.

To stop the operator to re-print the bill before finish options added in (M O D)


Print Bill 1 = Depending on Print Bill (No / Yes / Secure)

Print by Type = Depending on Print Bill (No / Yes / Secure)

Reprint Memo Before Finish = (Yes / No / Secure)


Day Id field has been added in the Sales Reports

Sale Register (Voucher, Payment, Full Report and Product View)

Sale Return (Voucher and Product view)

Sale Challan (Voucher and Product view)

Added Option to Hide COGS field from Z Report

In the Cash Drawer Balancing Report, Z Report Option (Ctrl +O), we have added an option

Show Cost of Goods = Yes / No

Based on this option Cost of Goods field will be shown in Z report.


Integration with MPESA Safaricom Kenya

This is available in Touch POS and Prepaid Card Transaction. A customer having Mpesa App can request the POS operator to receive the payment using the transaction code.


Added Alt Unit and Conversion Factor in in Stock Ledger

We have added Alt Unit and Conversion Factor columns in Stock Ledger.


Added Company Information Fields in Cash Sheet Printing

In Cash sheet Printing, we have added Company Information fields in details of Credit Sale. This is used to enter delivery detail in Touch POS.


Added “SAP Non Cash Sheet” in Location Export

In T I P (Export Setting for Cash Sheet), we have added an option SAP - Non Cash Sheet. Based on this option all sale data  except cash sale will be exported in excel sheet

Enhancement in SMS and Email setting Module

Added a menu "Email Business Alert" (T M B) for auto email of invoices on saving or modification

The following  memos are available as business alert.

Sale (Scan POS)

Sale (Touch POS)

Sale Order

Sale Challan

Sale Return



Purchase Order

Purchase Challan

Purchase Return





Debit Note

Credit Note

Stock Indent

Stock Transfer

Physical Stock

Stock Journal

PMS Invoice

PMS Receipt

Barcode Label Printing for  Food Tag

Now you can print food tags on barcode printer for take away or home delivery transactions.


Added following Sales Option to enable Food tag in STS, STT Table and Take-away mode:

i. Print Food Tag = No / HD / HD + Quick / HD + Table / HD + Table + Quick

ii. Print Food Tag on = KOT Printer / Barcode Printer (DOS)

It will print the food tag based on the print tag option defined in menu master.


DOS Barcode of Food Tag.

It will use the barcode printer defined on the station.

Added option to use vendor’s barcode rather than software generated barcodes

Scenario : Some you might want to use barcodes supplied by vendor. The barcodes lengths might be 6 to 13 digits or higher for each size and color of the same product. To implement this we have added following options in Sales Voucher option scan field:-

1.Default + Matrix Field 1

2.Default + Matrix Field 2

3.Default + Matrix Field 3


1. It will look for default UPC / EAN and if not found it will search for matrix field.

2. If same code is found in multiple child then it will show the list.


Option Added to Enable Child in Entry in Vouchers

Added the following option in voucher option of following voucher types
Based on this option, you can enable childwise entry at voucher level, it will not depend on as per global settings


Enable Child in Entry = Yes / No

Sale Order
Physical Stock
Stock Transfer

Stock Indent
Stock Journal

Sale : (While Populating Sale Order)
Sale Challan : (While Populating Sale Order)

If in TAG "Enable Child in Entry = No" then voucher level option will not work.
If in TAG "Enable Child in Entry = Yes" then voucher level option will work.
It means if you want to implement the voucher level option then you must set the TAG "Enable Child in Entry = Yes".

Setup RanceLab for Android Printing on FusionMobi

The following Enhancement has been done in Station Setup > FusionMobi Settings.


Type of Printing will have the following options

* Default
* Direct to IP Address (Rename from Direct to IP or BT)
* Direct to Bluetooth
* Direct to Android

Rename field > Bluetooth Name for Bill Printer to Bluetooth Name

Added the following fields

* Android Vendor ID
* Android Product ID

Option to Print Coupon for Selected Items in a Bill

Now in Sale Touch POS, to print the coupon for selected products, you need to do the following

In Menu Master (MFM ) > Set Counter = None for products that does not required coupon to be printed.

In STS >  Sale Option ( Alt + O ) > Set Print Coupon = Yes

In STS  > Print Option (ALt + R) >  Set Counter Detail For Coupon = Counter

Enhancement in Data Split Process

In Settings > Database Maintenance > Split Database (T>D>S), following option has been added


Create Opening Voucher = Yes / No

* Based on this option opening voucher for account or inventory will be created

Create Branch Op Voucher (At HO Only) = No / Yes

* based on this option opening vouchers of accounting and inventory for all

* branches will be created at HO database

* This option will work for HO data only

Create Full Database = Yes/No

* based on this option copy of full db will be created.



This option is helpful for central database architecture. From now onward, we will treat In-Transit stock transfer voucher as received during split at receiving location.


For distributed database, the following points need to be considered during split process:

1.Before split, all locations data should be synced with HO database properly

2.Before splitting HO database, all location data should be split first and set the option Create Opening Voucher = Yes.

3.Opening vouchers generated at HO should be synced to the respective locations manually



Automatic Consumption Entry after Adjustment of Physical Stock.

In Stock Journal (WRD) - Voucher option, added  the following options

Adjust Decrease in Stock as = Shortage \ Consumption \ Wastage

During Stock Adjustment in Stock Discrepancy report, it will create dDecrease in stock entry based on above option.

Import Product Child Wise Discount Scheme from Excel

Now you can import Product Discount Scheme from Excel. Added a button in Scheme Master > Import Schm. It will ask for excel file. Excel files should have the following columns in sheet1

First Column = ProductChildID

Second Column = Discount %



If item name is not present in product master then it will show message and skip the row.

If productchildid is not present in child master then it will show message and skip the row.

If item and productchild id is not present in the scheme then it will add it.

If item and productchild id exist in scheme, then it will update it with discount rate.


Working Example 1

1. Open a Scheme (Product Discount) in modify mode

2. Press the button > Import Schm

3. Select the excel file with a1 ,b1 and c1 as product name, productchildid and discount rate.

4. It will update the scheme screen.

5. Now save the scheme.


Working Example 2

1. Create a new Scheme

2. Import Scheme

3. Save

Auto Input of Quantity from Weighing Scale in Stock Journal

To take  automatic quantity input from weighing scale, we have added scale input button in following voucher.

Stock Journal - for  Consumption, Shortage, Wastage, Excess

Stock Transfer

Stock Transfer Indent

Physical Stock

Purchase Return

Rejection Out


Added Purchase Order Import

Now you can import Purchase Order from excel.

In Import Data (T I I) - added an option "Purchase Order" in Import as list

Enhancement in Work Order Process

Now you can populate the raw material based on recipe during creation of stock transfer indent against work order
In Stock Transfer Indent (WTI), a field has been added  after From and To

Work Order =  single list of pending Work Orders will be shown

In Voucher Option - added an option

Add Recipe Item against Work Order = No / Yes / Ask
If Yes then it will populate all the raw material item based on recipe of work order finish product

In Stock Journal (WTS) - added an option

"Populate Work Order Item =No/Yes/Ask"

If Yes then it will populate the selected work order item (Finish Item) with quantity as type production.


STT and STS Combo Function is Now Available in Express Edition

From now onward, Combo Schemes will be available in Express Edition


Now you can change status of Stock Transfer from Display screen in Express Edition

Now you can change the  Stock Transfer Status from In-Transit to Received from Display Screen in express edition. You can change the status of multiple vouchers from here.

Profit Center instead of Cost Center in export to SAP - Non Cash Sheet

In Export Location Setting (TIP) >  SAP - Non Cash Sheet, following changes has been done
Under Export setting for Cash Sheet, added a field Profit Center.
In SAP - Non Cash Sheet  Profit Center field will be shown instead of Cost Center
Note: Except Credit Sale, for all other MOP like credit card, sodexo etc, data will be exported to excel as per day wise summary for each MOP as per accounting ledger attached  will be exported to excel .

For example ,if there are 2 credit card MOP say HDFC Bank and AXIS Bank with
respective accounting ledger attached, in this case  single row of day summary for each credit card will be exported to excel

Exempted Sale Field in Day Audit Report


Now you can modify Discount Coupon Master after creation

Now you can modify Discount Coupon Master but you can not save Max Redeem value during modification.

Now you can enter Tax Related Transaction in Accounting Voucher Entry

Added the option in All accounting Voucher Type i.e. Receipt, Payment, Journal, Contra, Debit Note and Credit Note.

Enter Assessable Value for Tax Ledgers = No / Yes

If you set this to yes, then after selecting tax ledger, a numpad will open to accept assessable value input.

In Tax Report added a button "-A From Account" to show the Tax Report from Accounting data.

HD Serial Number is now available in bill and KOT print of quick mode order

Now you can print daily order no (HD serial No) in bill and kot of quick mode order.

Now you can open Room Reservation Voucher from Room View screen

Now you can open room reservation voucher by double clicking in room view screen.


CRM point balance checking from HO during billing

The following option has been added in the Global Option (T A G)

Check CRM Point Balance from = Local / Head Office

Working: If the option is set to Head Office
During Sale - on entering the amount in CRM Point Redeem MOP, balance will be checked from HO database and then balance will be matched with local balance.


If the there is no connectivity found with HO data, then  a message will be shown
"Unable to connect to head office server. Please try again."
In this case, you can not take payment in CRM point redeem MOP.

If HO and Local point mismatch, message will be shown
"Cannot Redeem Points due to a mismatch in points with head office."

Rest of the functionality will be same.
i.e. It will save points locally and it will travel to HO via ML as usual.

Working: If the option is set to Local
There is no changes in the working.



We can validate the point from HO but can not updated as it's part of transaction. So the transaction has to be saved at the branch. It goes to HO via multi location.

There can be time lag between status of point at HO and Branch.

Super Constraint: Consider this scenario > Point Redeem > Data not travel to HO > Again point redeem.

Touch Pos Sales Order Number on Daily Basis

In Touch POS sale (STT ) > Quick Mode >  List of Pending Orders (F3),
HD Serial No field has been added befor Memo Id.


Finger Scan Option in Prepaid Transaction

Now in prepaid card transaction, you can use finger scanner for selection of customer during billing.

In Customer Master (MOC), added  a button "Finger Scan"
It will record the finger scan of customer

In Sale Option, added a list item in

Prompt to Select Customer on Start = Finger Scan(Prepaid)

This option will work for only Prepaid card transaction in STT.  For rest of the screen, customer selection list will work as default list, if this option is selected.

You can now Round-off the MRP during Purchase Entry

Now you can rounded off the MRP during applying logic function.


Generation of Guest Reservation Number at Check-in

Registration number will get generated at check-in of a reservation as folio number generates on check-out.  In room reservation voucher option, we have added following options
Registration No Setup:

Starting No


Number system

The guest reservation number will get reflected in the the related PMS reports.

Room Status in Room View is Not Updated After Check-out

Now you can change housekeeping status from room view screen. Just right click to open context menu, and select the one option to change Housekeeping Status to



Touch Up

Now In Room View Screen, you can see the housekeeping status in text as Clean or Dirty Or Touch Up below Room Number.

In Room Reservation Voucher Option >  under Room Reservation Option, we have added an option “Room Status Default View = TL (timeline) View / Room View
Based on this option, the default view in Room Status Screen (H T S) will open.

Added Reservation Id for better Bill Wise Adjustment in case of Credit Card Receivable Ledger (PMS)

In Room Booking (HTB) >  Payment (Alt +T), during Payment thru credit card, Reservation Id will be added as reference number. It will help during bill wise reconciliation of credit card statement.

Serial Wise Barcode during Re-printing.

Now on reprinting of barcode during modification of purchase or other related vouchers, barcode will print serial wise.

Sales Person List as Simple and Advance in Touch POS

In Touch POS (STT), now sales person list will open in tabular format. Added an option in sale option

Wait Staff List Type = Advance/Simple

Future Sale Order from Touch POS

In Touch POS (STT)  Quick Mode, Table Mode and Home Delivery Mode added two button

Sale Order: It will open the scan pos sale order module.

Order to Sale: It will open scan pos sale module to generate invoice against sale order

We have also added a report, Pending Sale Order Register (SRP) with following buttons
Print Order (Alt + P): It will print all selected orders in DOS printing

Order Status (Ctrl + S) = All / Pending / Delivered: to see the report with selected status.

In Designation master following designation has been added

Open Sales Order from Touch POS = No / Yes / Secure

Open Scan POS from Touch POS = No / Yes / Secure

Pending Sale Order Register = No / Yes / Secure

Print Order from Report = No / Yes / Secure

Added a new field Web Location Name in Location Master

It will be used in FusionMobi HD application to display location name.

Separate Button for Net Item Discount or Manual Item Discount 2

In Sale Option we have added the following

Discount Priority = All / Customer / Price List / Product / Item Discount 2

If Discount Priority = Item discount 2 than All / Customer / Price List / Product option will not work and vice versa.



To apply this discount in scan pos, press the button "Item Disc2 (Ctrl+Q)"

This will work only if Discount Priority is set to Item discount 2

It will apply before item discount (Manual)

It will be displayed in Auto discount column

In Sale Report - it will be shown under item discount field

This functionality is available in sale order, sale challan, sale return but not available in  touch pos