You can download the update package by clicking below
●Renamed Columns
○Cost of Production > Actual Cost of Production
○Cost/Portion > Actual Cost/Portion
●Added new columns in the default view
○Estimated Cost of Production
○Estimated Cost/Portion
●Added new columns in the product detail view
○Var Qty
○Var Amount
Scenario: It is required to import a new menu from excel file or update existing one.
A new button has been added in the menu master (MFM). Once you press this button, it will ask for an Excel file.
●The Excel file should have two columns in Sheet 1
○Column A1: Product Name
○Column B1: Sale Rate
●If the item is not present in product master, then it will show a message and skip the row.
●If the item is not present in the menu, then it will add it. It will import the provided rate, but it will use the default value for other fields.
●If the item exists in the menu, then it will update the item with the new rate. In this case, there will be no changes in the other values.
You can access this report from Day End Report (SRD) > new button ALT+S. You can also schedule this report to be automatically emailed using the Email Scheduler (TSE).
It provides the following information
●MOP Wise Sale Detail
●Cash Sheet Ledger
●Detail of Cash Denomination Received
●Detail of Cheque Issued and Received
●Detail of Credit Sale and Purchase for the day
This module creates an SAP ready excel file for each day id or based on date range provided by the user. You need to configure the settings in Location Export settings (TIP).
In Sales Order (STO), to delete an item, a button is added Alt+Delete.
In Global Option, the following has been added
Sale to Purchase Conversion Method = Use Existing Child / Generate New Child ids
It will help you to bulk edit customer masters using the import function.
During import, it will modify all the fields except mobile number and email id. The import file must have a card-id column. If card-id is missing, the import will assume that this is new data, and it will create duplicate masters.
A new report Activity Report (Masters) (TSR) has been added. To activate this feature just set the below global option
●Maintain Activity Log for Master = No / Yes
The log is available only for following masters.
Cost Center Employee Customer Designation Employee Schedule Voucher Types User |
Forced Question Ledger Location Menu Mode Of Payment Modifier Tax |
Price List Product Scheme and Promotion Combo
●Voucher View: It opens the default reports in voucher view without loading the item detail. You can use a toggle button item detail (Alt + H) to get the report with item detail.
●Product View: It provides item wise summary report with limited fields in column chooser. You can use a toggle button detail (Alt + D)
These change has been done in following reports
Sale Register Sale Return Register Sale Challan Register Rejection Out Register Sale Order Register |
Purchase Register Purchase Return Register Purchase Challan Register Purchase Order Register Rejection In Register |
Stock Transfer Indent Stock Transfer Stock Journal Register |
●Stock Journal Register
●Stock Journal Preview
●Physical Stock Register
In the Email Scheduler (T S E ), a new report called "ML Compare Sales" has been added. This function sends out the data sync compare report automatically to given email address.
●Credit Note No
●Credit Note Date
●Actual Amt
●Adjusted Amt
●Balance Amt
In STT, the columnar display is useful when you have a long list of masters such as wait-staff.
Now you can modify the customer card location from display screen in customer master.
Scenario: After the split of large data, it is required to refer to old data for analysis. It is complicated to modify the config file and create different instances of RanceLab in multiple directories.
Solution: Now you can access another database from the main screen. Notes:
●It is not required to define the service for other DB. The service may not be running for the other DB.
●The creation or modification of transactions and master is not allowed in other DB.
●Only read access is available for another database. So only reports will work with other DB.
●Rights to reports are based on the logged-in user of default DB.
●The logged-in user may or may not exist in other DB.
1.Setup Location Master
Set Link Information: Other Database Connection = Paste the xml here.
XML Example:
<AuthMode>SQL Server</AuthMode>
<AuthMode>SQL Server</AuthMode>
From the main screen - press the button "Other DB (Alt + O). It will show you the list of database as specified in above XML. Just select the database and check report.