You can download the update package by clicking below
●From Release 2.122, we will retain the unsent data during the version update process.
○It is also possible to send and receive data between locations with different version.
○For example if your HO is on version 1.126 and branch is on version 1.124, they will be able to send and receive data.
○NOTE: It is applicable from Release 2.122 onwards.
●Added two field in Opening Stock, Stock Journal, Purchase and Rate Change import module.
○Expiry Date
○Manufacturing Date
●Concept of Location Export Settings: We have added a submenu called “Location Export Setting” under Settings > Import and Export > Location Export Settings.
○This module is used to export the sale and financial data in specific format for some third party application such as SAP, Mall Management Software and Sun Accounting System. Please contact sales for more information on this.
●Added a new field “Rate Unit” in import module of purchase. It is used to define the rate of Alternate Unit.
Enhancement in Email & SMS scheduler
Now you can send the report for this week or last week from SMS scheduler and Email scheduler. For this set
○Regional Settings (T A A): Week Start Day = Monday / Sunday / Saturday.
○In SMS scheduler (T M S) and email scheduler (T M E) under Data Period Column use the following option.
○This Week
○Last Week
Added two buttons in Food Costing Report.
●Day Wise (ALT+D): It will show Location cum group cum date wise food cost report for the specified date range.
●Location wise (ALT+L): It will show location wise food cost report. From this report you can compare food cost of a product for different locations.
Sales Finance Report
Added new option “Snacks” in Sale-Fin Report in addition to breakfast, lunch and dinner. You need to define this in day end report option. If you do not need column then keep the same time for snack and dinner.
KOT Analysis Report
Following fields are recorded during KDS operations. These columns are added in the KOT Analysis Report.
●Order selection Time
●Order done Time
●Order Serve Time
Stock Statement
A new button called Net Stock has been added. It will add the following columns in the stock statement.
●Pending Purchase Order
●Pending Sale Order
●Net Stock (Closing + Pending PO - Pending SO)
Ledger Report
In Ledger Report (FRL), Reconciliation Date column has been added.
Rate Change Report
In Rate change (WTE), Supplier column has been added .
Restriction for Adjustment in Stock Discrepancy Report
The Store Controller should be able to see the Stock Discrepancy Report but should not be allowed to adjust the discrepancy.
●In Designation Setup - Action control - added a designation.
○"Physical Stock Adjustment = No / Yes"
Compare CRM Point from the Branch Location
In Multi Location Data Status Report (TSS) - Compare - Added an option "CRM Points". It will compare and rectify the CRM point of a local branch data from HO as on date..
Restrict Warehouse
An option ( Restrict Warehouse = No / Yes) has been added in Sale Scan POS, Sale Challan, Purchase Return and Rejection Out. If this option is set to yes, then
●User will be not allow to change the warehouse from list
●Stock of default warehouse will be shown in the child list
●It will check the stock for the default warehouse during the scan.
Accounting Reference Number for MOP = Credit Card.
This will be helpful to generate bill wise outstanding ledger report of the credit card payment.
Purchase Order Approval System.
The following has been done
●Option Added in Purchase Order Option
○Activate Approval = No / Yes.
●Added a security in Designation Master > Action
○Allow Purchase Order Approval = No / Yes.
●In Purchase Order Register added a column Approved = Yes / No
●Based on above column you can use conditional formatting and filter etc.
●There is a button > Approve > It will work based on the rights.
Once the Purchase Order is approved it will show in
●Purchase Order Selection in Purchase Challan
●Purchase Order Selection in Purchase Invoice
●It can be print (it will not print if not approved)
Purchase Entry
Option is added to check the duplicate supplier reference.
●Check Existing Reference = No / Yes / Ask.
Voucher Entry (Financial)
●In Bill Adjustment screen, you can select multiple reference number if required. It will be useful if you have to make payment to a supplier for 30 pending invoices at the end of the month.
●If you open the accounting voucher screen, it will open the voucher type as last used voucher type.For example, if you have used payment voucher in previous session then the next time when you open FTV it will open payment by default.
Stock Transfer Voucher
A new option “Consolidated Qty of Similar Items = Yes / No” has been added. If it is set to no, then similar item will be added in different row. It will work only when if Enable Child Entry = Yes is set in global option.
Sale Challan
Advance Customer Screen (Home Delivery) is available in Sale Challan, Sales Return and Rejection In.
Enhancement in KOT, Bill and Coupon
The following options has been added in the sale print option to print in KOT, Coupon and Bill.
●Print Product Name: No / Yes
●Print Product Name (Other): No / Yes
Case: 1 Print Product Name (Other) = Yes and Print Product Name = Yes It will print the Product Name along with qty rate on first line and Print Product Name (Other) (if not blank) in separate line. |
Case: 2 Print Product Name (Other) = Yes and Print Product Name = No It will print the Print Name along with qty and rate in first line and Print Product Name (Other) (if not blank) in separate line. |
Case: 3 Print Product Name (Other) = No and Print Product Name = Yes If Product Name (Other) is Not Empty: It will print the product name (other) along with qty and rate . else it will print the Product Name along with qty and rate |
Case: 4 Print Product Name (Other) = No and Print Product Name = No If Product Name (Other) is Not Empty: It will print the product name (other) along with qty and rate. else it will print the Print Name along with qty and rate |
Concept of One Time Password for CRM Points Redemption.
System will send and validate OTP SMS for CRM Point Redemption based on MOP selection during sale. It is applicable in Scan POS and Touch POS.
Implementation Notes
You need to set / use the following
●Added "Is OPT required for CRM Point Redeem = No / Yes" in Mode of Payment Master
○You need to set this to yes for OTP fucntion.
●Added "OTP - CRM Point Redeem" in SMS business alert list.
○You need to enter something like this using the <OTP> keyword.
○<OTP> is the one-time password OTP for redemption of points. Keep walk-ing to enjoy benefits.
●Added <Redeem-point> and <Earned-Points> keyword in Sale Business Alert SMS.
○You may use these keyword in Sale Business Alert SMS. The string will look something like this
○Dear <Customer-Name>, Thank you for your purchase against invoice =<Memo-No>, of Rs.<Amount>, on <Memo-Date> in our <Location> Location. Redeem Point <Redeem-point>. Earned Point = <Earned-Points>. Balance point <Balance-Point>.
How it works
●Once you enter amount in CRM Point Redeem MOP in tender,
●After checking the balance, the system will send OTP to customer.
●After sending OTP the system will prompt to input the OTP
●The customer need to provide the OTP to POS operator.
●Once the operator enters the OTP, system will redeem the CRM points and save.
●OTP is 6 Digit Numeric
●OTP is valid for 10 minutes. The resend function will send the same OTP within 10 minutes.
●A log is created in SMS.log using Date, Time, Mobile Number, OTP (first-4-digit-X-X), User.
●The OTP has nothing to do with the number of points. It is just a method of verification. The actual point redeem will depend on the points available.
Called ID Hardware Integration for Home Delivery
Added one more option under Vendor: in Settings - IPBX Settings. On selecting this option, an input box will open where you can define Add No of Line = 4 (Default). No station setting required here.
●Now If Caller IDs device is connected with phone lines than in Advance Customer Screen - Click on Accept Call button and this will open a list of all lines specified above with incoming call detail.
●Incoming call colour will be Green by default.
●Select a line for pickup than the colour will be change to sky blue
Integration with MOMOE | Momoe Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
This is available in Touch POS. A customer having Momoe App can request the POS operator to make payment using Momoe wallet. Please get in touch with support team for more information.
Integration with Binge | NOROC Solutions Pvt. Ltd.
This is available in Touch POS. A customer having Binge App can request the POS operator to make payment using Binge wallet. Please get in touch with support team for more information.
Integration with QuikWallet | LivQuik Technology (India) Private Limited.
This is available in Touch POS. A customer having QuikWallet App can request the POS operator to make payment using QuikWallet wallet. Please get in touch with support team for more information.
●An option (Discount Applicable =Yes / No) has been added in Add-On Master. In the room reservation module, the discount will be applicable on add ons based on above option.
●Consideration of discount in calculation of tax as per tax master in room reservation
○In HTB module, prior to this release, the room reservation tax is calculated before or after discount based on voucher option.
○But if a tax name has 2 tax ledgers say Luxury tax 10% and Service tax 5%. AND if it is required to that luxury tax should be calculated before discount and service tax after discount.
○To achieve this, you need to set
■Calculate Tax without Discount = No, in voucher option
■AND setup tax master with calculation method = (Quantity*Rate) > for Luxury Tax
■AND setup tax master with calculation method = On Product Value > for Service Tax.
●Refund of Amount: Sometime payment has been made against wrong reservation id than how to rectify? Now the system allows you to refund money at any point of time if the refund amount is less or equal to received amount.
●Stop Check-out if there is any unfinished bill: The system will not allow check-out or early check-out, if there is any unfinished POS bill against the selected reservation id.
●Foreign Currency Analysis: Added this block in Night Audit Report for both front desk and POS sale
A new method of communication called, "Link without IP" has been added in the Global Option.
It is used in the following case
●You can use this method if your internet service provider does not provide you with a fixed IP address.
●If the port forwarding does not work due to router issues.
How to use
●Set "Method of Communication = Link without IP" in global option.
●The RanceLab must be started (login or logout) at the HO server.
●Create link file using "Export Link Settings" and import it in the branch.
1. How does it work?
●The HO and branch are directly connected using a link server provided by us. The link server act as an operator to establish a direct link between the ho and the locations.
2. Does the link server stores any data?
●No. It does not store any data. The link server just helps to connect the locations.
●The HO and branch are directly connected.
3. How to check if it is working?
●Try sending and receiving some data in order to check if it is working.
●From the branch, you should be able to modify a master or run the compare data report.
●From Head Office > Check task manager > Check if RanceLabLWOIP.exe is running
4. What needs to be done if it is not working?
Steps for HO
▪Check if RanceLab is started at HO server.
▪Task Manager > Check if RanceLabLWOIP.exe is running.
oThe RanceLabLWOIP exe must be started at the HO server.
oThe RanceLabML.exe is responsible to start LWOIP exe.
oThat means the software must be started at the HO.
▪Go to TG > Click on Remote Service > it should open the data service page.
▪Check > it should display > rancelab link server is working.
Steps for Branch
▪Go to TG > Click on Remote Service > it should open the data service page.
If these are ok but the link is still not working then contact the support team.
5. What is the difference in IP and Link without IP?
There is no difference as such, except the LWOIP method uses the link server to connect the ho and branches. All the functions, like compare the data and create masters, available in IP are also available in LWOIP.