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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.17

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Enhancement in Challan and Indent selection in STS, PTP and WTT

Now you can select multiple challan or indent in the respective modules using multiple selection list. It works only if option is set as “Auto Fill Challan Detail = Yes”.

You can also scan the barcode of challan or indent one-by-one.  We have added a default start sentinel for Challan and Order = “\”. All you have to do is to add “\” at start in the barcode of the challan number.

Enhancement in PMS

Now you can print the Add-on / Inclusion at Zero Rate. This is useful when you give away some add-on or inclusion as complementary and want it to be mentioned on the invoice.

Now you can print two separate invoice, while using the split bill function in group billing. The split is usually done between the group owner and guest.

In S T T, when you charge the TIP in Charge to Room MOP, it will print on invoice accordingly.

Added a button (Touch POS Alt + P) to call the touch pos directly from Room Reservation Screen.

Enhancement in Tax Master

Several changes has been done in tax master to provide you a variety of calculation method and other enhancement.


Tax Type: Tax Type has been added in the tax master to categorized the tax for better reporting. The type = others is intended to be used as non-taxable terms.


Service Tax




Calculation Method:  We have added more predefined calculation method for tax calculation.


On Product Value:  It is the default calculation method. In this case, the tax amount is calculated on value i.e. (Quantity * Rate) – Item Discount + Item Charges


On Current Subtotal: The tax is calculated on immediate current subtotal.For example, if a tax X is changed on the total of product value + tax Y. In this case set calculation method for tax X as “current subtotal”


Quantity * Rate: In this case, the tax amount is calculated on value i.e. Quantity * Rate.


On MRP Value (Sale Only): This method is applicable only in sales modules. The calculation is done on MRP value i.e.  Quantity * MRP.


On Taxable Value (Sale Only): We have added a field in the product master > other information > Taxable Value.

Tax amount is calculated on the Taxable Value * Qty

Example:  The WBST tax on alcoholic beverages is calculated on the difference of MRP and Cost. In this case you can enter the difference in taxable value in product master and use this calculation method.


As Surcharge: The tax is calculated on the tax value of preceding row of tax ledger.

For example, if we select “Service Tax @10%“ and after that select “Education Cess @3 %in” in the next row. In this case the “Education Cess @3%” is calculated on “Service Tax @10%“ amount only.


As Flat Rate: In this case, the tax amount is applied as the rate defined in the tax master. In other words the tax rate is considered as fixed amount to be charged as tax..


Tax On Amount%: It is used if a tax is required to be calculated on certain percentage of the taxable value of a product. For example, in a restaurant, service tax is calculated on the 40% of the product value. Note: If this field is 0 then tax is calculated as 100% of taxable value.

Display order: The tax is printed on the invoice as per the order defined here.

Note: You should not change the tax master after a transaction is made using it. If the tax master is changed then during transaction modification recalculation of tax may arise in discrepancy. To rectify those discrepancies you must run Update Tax function.


Enhancement in SPA (S T A) Reservation Screen

Included resource name in the tool tip of the reservation.


Enhancement in Stock Discrepancy Report

Two new columns > Supplier Name and P Co (Principal Company) has been added.


Enhancement in Sale Related Reports

Added following columns in Voucher Wise: Sale Ragister, Sale Return Register, Sale Order Ragister, Sale Challan Register and Rejection In Register.

Cust Street No

Cust Street

Cust Locality

Del Street No

Del Street

Del Locality


Enhancement in Cash Drawer Opening Module

A new button (Open Drawer F7) has been added in the cash drawer opening module to open the cash drawer.


QR Code Based Discount Control System.

Let us assume that a QR code is generated by a mobile application from third party. The customer need to show this QR code to the POS operator in order to receive discount.


This QR code is a combination of Unique ID + date in DDMMYY format. If you scan this QR code the output will be 12345011214 where last 6 digit is data and first 5 digit is unique id.

For example, let us assume that card id for a customer is 22446677 and today is 03-Feb-2015 the QR Code needs to be generated that returns 22446677030215.


To implement this, you need to set Customer Card Number Input Format in Global Option. Map your own customer input barcode or QR code format by using the following details.


C  = Customer Card Number = 20 Digit

D  = Current date in DDMMYY format = 6 digit.

Input CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCDDDDDD in the ‘Customer Card Number Input Format’ in Global Option.

If the format is not defined then the scanning will be normal without any decoding.

After truncating the last 6 digit the remaining will be searched against the card number. If a match is found the customer is selected and the discount is applied.

Implementation Notes:

In global option define the customer card number input format.

Make sure to set “Open Customer List = no” in designation master for users.

Please note that this works in STT as well as STS.

In sale option set Prompt to customer on select =No



Team System Enhancement

Now you can select multiple team in location master. It helps you when you want to display a single location to multiple team.


Enhancement in Auto Journal Voucher

In F T V  > F7  Journal  > Auto Journal (ALT+A), a new field called Narration has been added.

The default value of this field is "System Generated Subscription Voucher". You can modify this as required.

All the auto generated voucher will have the above as narration.


Enhancement in Touch POS

A new button (Item Remarks F5) has been added in the Touch POS.

It works as a substitute to kitchen command modifier. The item remarks can be seen in item wise sale register.

You can enter item remarks for any item, modifier and forced question.

Function of  F5 Button

If KOT is printed then it will display remark in message box

If KOT is not printed then it will open keyboard input with remark.



Enhancement in Designation Master

Removing a product from Sales Return after scanning is now secured. It works the same way as sale module.


Concept of Separate Order and Cash Counter for Sweets Shop Using the Table Mode.

This functionality is helpful for the outlets that has separate order and cash counter. And they wants to take order by using only numeric keypad.

Implementation Notes.

Set "Prompt for Table Number = Yes” in Sales Option.

A  shortcut key "Plus key" in addition to "O key" has been added in table screen to open table input box.

A shortcut key “Backslash / “ has been added in order screen register mode input box by using this key you can leave the order screen.


Enhancement in Bulk Email and Bulk Print from Voucher Display Screen.

An option "Print in Ledger Format =  No / Yes” has been added. If it is set to Yes then the statement will be sent in ledger format.