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RanceLab Software User Help

Purchase Voucher Type POS Print Option

You get this screen when you press ALT + R or click button "-O Opt Prn Rec" in the Purchase Invoice.

Print Header From

Header is taken at two places. One in fields below (Option) and other at Location. Select the place (Location / Option) from where Header is to be taken to print on bill print.

Header (Bold)

Enter the Header text to be printed on the top of the POS bill in Bold font.

Header (Normal)

Enter the Header text to be printed on the top of the POS bill in Normal font, always under the text of Header (Bold) .


Customize Header Normal:

<NP>27,33,40,</NP><NP>27,45,2, </NP>Rance Computer P.Ltd.*P-240 Lake Town, Block-A *Kolkata-700073*West Bengal, India


Apply above command along with header text to get print out like below;


Rance Computer P.Ltd

P-240 Lake Town, Block-A


West Bengal, India



*(Star) =For single line break

<NP>27,33,40,</NP>= Font size bold double width normal

<NP>27,45,2, </NP>= Underlined text

You may remove command ><NP>27,45,2, </NP> to print in big font without underline.

Document Title

Enter the Document Title to be printed in the Document (e.g. Purchase Invoice)

Footer (Bold)

Enter the Footer text  to be printed at the end of the POS bill in Bold font.

Footer (Normal)

Enter the Footer text to be printed at the end of the POS bill in Normal Font, always under the text of Footer (Bold).


Customize Footer Normal:

<NP>27,33,10,</NP>Thank you, please visit again*<NP>27,33,10,</NP>E & OE


Apply above command along with footer text to get print out like below;


Thank you, please visit again

E & OE



*(Star) =Single line break

<NP>27,33,10,</NP>=Font size standard bold

Description in 1 Line

Set Yes to print the document in one line

Item Code

Set Yes to print product in the sale (Pos) voucher

Item Code Type

Select the Code Type (11 digits Code, UPCEAN code, User defined code). Select the Code type you want to print on document.

Print Chgs, Disc and Tax below item line

Set Yes to print Discount, Charges and Tax Amount below the each item line else set No. Sample print out under the item line are as follows;

D @ 7.00% 1312.50 C @ 2.00% 375.00 T @ 4.00% 712.50

Matrix Detail

Horizontal: Set Horizontal to print Matrix Detail in horizontal format under the each item detail row.

Vertical: Set Vertical to print Matrix Detail in vertical format under the each item detail row.

No: Set No if don’t want to print

Print Warehouse

Set Yes to print the Warehouse else set No.

Print Total in Vat Analysis

Set Yes to print Total Bill Amount along with Tax Analysis details. It is applicable only if the option “Tax Analysis” is set to Horizontal or Both.

Print Tax% in Vat Analysis

Set Yes to print Tax % along with Tax Analysis details. It is applicable only if the option “Tax Analysis” is set to Horizontal or Both.

Decimal in Qty

Enter the number of decimals to be printed (0-3) for fractional figures

Decimal in Amount

Enter the number of decimals to be printed (0-3) for fractional figures

Print Unit

Set Yes to print Unit along with each item detail row else set No.

Print Rate

Set Yes to print sale price in each item detail row else set No.

Print Quantity

Set Yes to print quantity in each item detail row else set No.

Print Serial Number

Set Yes to print Serial Number along with each item detail row else set No.

Print Memo ID

Set Yes to print the memo id/bill number else set No.

Print YMD in Memo ID

Set Yes to print Year Month Date as prefix before the memo id irrespective of “Number System” is set to Daily/Monthly/Yearly in the Voucher Type, else set No.



If “Number System” is set to Daily then it will print Year Month Date as prefix.

If “Number System” is set to Monthly then it will print Year Month as prefix.

If “Number System” is set to Yearly then it will print Year as prefix.

Print User Name

Set Yes to print the User Name else set No. It will help to know by which user login the transaction had been performed in past.

Print Narration

Set Yes to print narration else set No.


Tips: Narration can be entered in Other Charges screen.

Print Station

Set Yes to print the Station Name else set No.