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Main Menu > Warehouse Management  > Reports (F&B) > Void Item Analysis  

The report shows the Void (Cancelled orders) Items. On exploding the line, you get the particulars of void Item. Press enter on desired Item to get the related voucher in modification mode.


Buttons in the Void Item Analysis:

Buttons are explained in Using Reports (Register). Buttons specific to “Void Item Analysis” are discussed here:

-L Select Type

All = Show all types of void items under each cancellation reason separately.

Void After Payment = Show items have been voided after finish the transaction or in modify mode under each cancellation reason separately.

-I All Item

Show both Voided and Non Voided Items. Non voided items will be shown under the blank reason.


Require remarks column in Void Item Analysis Report.

In Void Item Analysis report ( W>F>V ) a column “Remarks” has been added in column chooser. It will show the remarks that has been entered during a void transaction.


Added Customer Mobile Number in Void Analysis Report.

Scenario: While looking at the void report, you might want to call the customer and verify the void.


Solution:  In Void Item Analysis (W>F>V), added a field Customer Mobile Number.