Require Api integration with Safeguard application (Vipingo) with Fusion for following points
Push customer profile information whenever a new customer registration take place at both the system (Fusion and Safeguard)
Against a single card id request will provide the customer profile information with card expiry date and prepaid card balance.
1.In Sale Invoice - add one more item in the below option
Update Vendor API = None / Inresto
In M-A-M (Mode of Payment), in Vendor Settings --> add a Vendor "Safeguard:
API endpoint provide by the Safeguard to push the customer data
POST /sgitworks/web/sync_api/new_user HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
X-Api-Key: 9X6x532x-z7z9-4840-z2zc-6y2147424yy1
Content-Length: 61
{"firstname":"John","lastname": "Doe", "mobile":"0123456789"}
The response will be:
{ "status": "success" }
or, in case of failure:
{ "status": "error", "message": "Some error message" }
2.Added one Field in Global Option(T-A-G):
Update Vendor API during Customer creation: [None] / Safeguard
Location Vendor Setting sample JSON:
{ "Url": "", "XApiKey": " 9X6x532x-z7z9-4840-z2zc-6y2147424yy1" }
3.Add these following fields in API call along with Firstname,Lastname and Mobile No during customer creation
"plot_number": "Hse or Plot Number", (Street/House /Flat No)
"street_number": "123", (Address1)
"id_number": "20123444", (CMfield1)
"account_number": "SG1234", (CMfield2)
"card_number": "1234", (Card Number)
"card_expiry_date": "2021-10-21", (Card Expiry Date)
In GSTR1 there is a sheet called HSN
In this sheet, a column comes for GST rates
Rates includes - 5%, 12%, 18%, 28% & 40%
At the time of uploading this excel in GST offline tools it gives error indicating invalid gst rates.
The direct government API integration to upload E-invoices is only allowed for companies with turnover of above Rs.500Cr per annum. This requirement rules out the above option for customers having turnover above 50-100cr.
It is required to automate upload E -Invoices using any GSP (Cleartax) account for these categories of customers.
In GST Report (FGG) - add an option
“Upload E-Invoices From = None/GSTN API/Cleratx API "
GSTN API : It will use the credentials GSTN API to upload E-Invoices during billing and from display
ClearTax API : It will use the credentials of Cleartax API to upload E-Invoices during billing and from display.
In GSTIN Export Setting JSON add the below parameter:
"CleatTaxUserAuthToken": "1.c0828954-7fcf-4259-9836-1b685f44662f_33fc7957d46be161a2c6d94e1fa6cfed6675535ea0"
"ClearTaxOwnerID": "4xx479x3-yy5y-4302-zz77-28x9953240y2"
"ClearTaxBaseURL": ""
"ClearTaxEInvEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/Invoice/"
"ClearTaxIRNCancelEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/Cancel"
"ClearTaxIRNDataEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/Invoice/irn/{0}"
"ClearTaxEWayBillEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/einvewb/ewaybill"
"ClearTaxEWAyBillCancelEndPoint": "v2/eInvoice/ewaybill/cancel"
"EInvUploadFrom": "Direct"
If you want to upload an E-invoice from ClearTax then you had to add above parameter and change
"EInvUploadFrom": "Direct"
"EInvUploadFrom": "ClearTax"
JSON will be
{"JioASPClientID": "ECHRZ9H5PH", "JioASPClientSecretKey": "-4284-8344-ca4e9e6867e4", "JioXAPIKey": "l7xxeef45599f9b3c6774a0944f", "JioURL": "", "AmountLimit": "250000", "EInvClientID": "AAECA10TXPF1A93", "EInvClientSecret": "BwWiIT5o1aAM79sSeEyk", "EInvUserName": "vision_patna", "EInvPassword": "Aditya@123", "EInvURL": "", "EInvAPIToken": "/eivital/v1.03/auth", "EInvAPIGenerateInv": "/eicore/v1.03/Invoice", "EInvPrivateKeyPath": "c:\\GSTDetail", "EInvUploadFrom": "ClearTax", "ClearTaxUserAuthToken": "cf-4259-9836-1b685f44662f_37f2ba62a560166b817db86e161a1fa6cfed6675535ea0", "ClearTaxOwnerID": "4dc479d3-af0d2", "ClearTaxBaseURL": "", "ClearTaxEInvEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/Invoice/", "ClearTaxIRNCancelEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/Cancel", "ClearTaxIRNDataEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/Invoice/irn/{0}", "ClearTaxEWayBillEndPoint": "v1/govt/api/einvewb/ewaybill", "ClearTaxEWAyBillCancelEndPoint": "v2/eInvoice/ewaybill/cancel", "UploadEInvoiceDuringMemoCreation": 1}
Require an option to hide scheme details under item name in Sale POS bill print option.
In Sale invoice(S-T-S),Under POS print option added a option:
"Print Scheme/Combo = Yes/No"
Based on selection, this option will work.
Require a field "End of Data Service" type Date which will be used to record the employee end of service date i.e. date of termination or resignation date, it will be helpful to calculate the duration of job which will be used to calculate the Gratuity of employees.
In Employee Master(M-P-E), added a field in entry and display:
"End Of Service"