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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.976

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Rancelab Release 2.976

Need to add one more listing option Aadhar Card for Identity Type

In Property Management,Under Room Reservation(H-T-B) - Modify Booking(ALT+M), The Identity Type list added an option  "Aadhar card".


Require Business type field in Sale Display Report

In Sale and Sale Return, Under Display report(Alt+D) , Added a field  "Business Type" in the column chooser


Requirement of Dynamic QR Code on B2C invoices


As per Notification No.14/2020- Central Tax, given on March 21st, 2020 all taxpayers bear an annual turnover of over Rs. 500 Crores must generate dynamic QR Codes for their B2C invoices.


Provided that where such registered person makes a Dynamic Quick Response (QR) code available to the recipient through a digital display, such B2C invoice issued by such registered person containing cross-reference of the payment using a Dynamic Quick Response (QR) code, shall be deemed to be having Quick Response (QR) code.


It will generate Unique QR for every transaction printed on the bill’s copy ( customer can scan every transaction that can be printed on the copy of the invoice ( customer can scan from there and pay ) or displayed using a tablet placed on the counter for customers.


It can also be integrated with mobile applications to generate new unique QR for each transaction. The system will add the amount and the consumer just needs to pay using any application.


For this Requirement, We need to follow the below steps:-

In Global Option(T-A-G), Added two options which are,

Generate QR code for B2C Bills =No/Yes

Bharat QR Setting: Json file (setting of Payu API Credentials)


Sample JSON Format

{"QRCodAPI":"", "MerchantKey": "XXxxXX","MerchantSalt": "ZZzzZZ", "QRCodeString": "generate-dynamic-bharat-qr", "CheckStatusString": "check-bqr-txn-status", "ExpirytimeInSecond": "300"}


In Mode Of Payment (MAM) - add one more Vendor "Bharat QR" in Vendor List.


We can use Dynamic QR Status check API to check the payment status and update the Fusion database accordingly, for the Status check.

If payment has been accepted in MOP (Vendor=Bharat QR), a message box will appear.

"Do you want to check BQR Status: Yes/No."

Yes = it will check the status and show the response on the screen.

No = It will not check Status.


In Display, Report adds a Button BQR Status - From here you can also check status


Implementation Note:

We need to create a MOP and select Vendor "Bharat QR" from the vendor list.

Select this MOP in sale voucher option.

In sale - tender screen accepts payment in this MOP only.

Finish the Bill and Bill will be printed.

Customer can pay by scanning BQR code On the bill.

After that, we will check and display the status of Payment.


Print QR Code in Windows bill :

Added "PaymentQRCode" in preview.

Added a PictureBox in Preview Designer (e.g., PictureBox1.


Right-click on the Picture Box and set the Sizing as a stretch image.

Set its size in property: Width : 124, height: 124)

Add below code in script:


Private Sub pictureBox1-BeforePrint(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Drawing.Printing.PrintEventArgs)

     If GetCurrentColumnValue("PaymentQRCode").ToString.Length > 0 Then

           Dim imageBytes As Byte() = Convert.FromBase64String(GetCurrentColumnValue("PaymentQRCode"))

           Dim ms As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length)

           ms.Write(imageBytes, 0, imageBytes.Length)

           Dim image As System.Drawing.Image = System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms, True)

           pictureBox1.Image = image

       End if

End Sub


And at the top of the script add.

Imports System.IO



For every B2C bills on saving, Fusion will send a request to Payu QR generation.

API with mandatory information like Bill No, Bill Amount, customer information, Merchant UPI account link in Jason format.

A Dynamic QR code will be received in response, and this QR code will be saved in the database and printed in the bill.

Customers can pay by scanning this QR code online or can pay in cash.

We can use Dynamic QR Status check API to check the payment status and update the Fusion database accordingly.

It will work only in Scan POS sale and windows printing.