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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.954

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Rancelab Release 2.954

Require E-Waybill data in excel or JSON format to upload in GSTN Portal


In RanceLab, As per Requirement, here E-wayBill data in excel or Jason format to upload  in GSTN  portal..


In Sale Invoice(S-T-S) and Sale Return( S-R-R) Two buttons are added in Display.

E-Way Bill Entry (Alt+W)

E-WayBill Rpt (Ctrl + W)


On clicking on the E-Way Bill Entry (Alt+W) button, an input box will open with following.        

Supply Type - Outward / Inward

Sub Type - Supply / sales Return / Line sale / Others

Doc Type - Tax Invoice / Bill of Supply / Bill of Entry / Delivery Challan / Other

Trans Mode - Road / Rail / Air / Ship

Distance (Km)

Trans Name

Trans ID

Trans DocNo        **If transport mode is Air/Rail/Ship than Trans Doc No and date is mandatory.

Trans Date

Trans Type

Vehicle No

Vehicle Type - Regular / ODC

Eway Bill No

Eway Bill Date



Using button E-WayBill Rpt (Ctrl + W), it will ask to generate Eway Bill Report in Excel or JSON format and report generated will be saved in RanceLabshare folder.


In, Sale Register (SRS), Sale Return Report (SRR), added two fields in the column chooser.

Eway Bill No

Eway Bill date


Require a generation of E-WayBill using IRN no.

The requirement is Generation of E-WayBill using IRN from E-Invoice API.


To achieve Added a button in Sale and Sale Return Display:

IRN - E-Waybill (Ctrl + I)

It will upload Eway bill based on IRN No of the selected invoice and save the Eway Bill no and Date in Fusion.

Require E-Invoice as per GST new rule


The government has been introducing the E-Invoice system, which will be effective from 01-04-2020.In this system generation of e-invoice will be the taxpayer’s responsibility who will be required to report the same to Invoice Registration Portal (IRP) of GST, which will generate a unique invoice Reference Number (IRN)and digitally sign the e-invoice and also generate a QR code.

Now, As per GST, new rules need a facility to generate E-Invoice for B2B bills.


You can upload E-invoice directly on GST portal by API integration or manually upload the file in JSON format.


E-Invoice JSON will be generated for B2B bills only, and it will be saved in the RanceLab share folder. In GST Return (F-G-G),

Added a button "Gen E-Invoice".

It will generate a JSON file for all B2B invoices in the selected date range in the RanceLab Share folder.

Generated files will be uploaded to the GSTIN portal manually.



In the Sale and Sale return display, two buttons are added here.

Generate E-Inv (Ctrl + G): It will generate the E-Invoice file of the selected Bills.

Update IRN (ALT+I): Using this button you can insert IRN no here


API Integration:

As per the GSTN rule, the access to API has been provided only to taxpayers having turnover of more than 500 crores and GSPs.


In GST Return (FGG) - “GSTIN Export settings JSON” add  Json as per the sample JSON below.


{"JioASPClientID":"ECHRZ9EZHW4SAYH5PH", "JioASPClientSecretKey":"xxxxx-0000-0000-0000-xxxxxxxx", "JioXAPIKey":"xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx", "JioURL":"","AmountLimit":"250000","UploadEInvoiceDuringMemoCreation":"0","EInvClientID":"ABCDEFGHIJ", "EInvClientSecret":"BwWiIT5o1aAM79sSeEyk","EInvUserName":"XXXX-ABC", "EInvPassword":"XXXX@34ds#$%","EInvURL":"","EInvAPIToken":"XXX/auth", "EInvAPIGenerateInv":"/xxxxx/v1.03/Invoice", "EInvPrivateKeyPath":"C:\\GSTDetail\\einv-sandbox.pem", "APIGetEWayBillFromIRN":"/eiewb/v1.03/ewaybill","APIGetGSTINDetail":"/eivital/v1.03/Master/gstin","APICancelIRN":"/eicore/v1.03/Invoice/Cancel"}


In Sales Touch POS and Sale Return, saving E Invoice will be directly uploaded to GST portal, and it will receive IRN No, and QRcode of Invoice and it will be saved in Fusion. This IRN No and QRcode are available in Windows print design and can be printed in Invoices.


In the Sale and Sale return display, added buttons are added .

Upload E-Inv (Ctrl + U): It will upload the selected E-Invoice to the Portal directly.

Cancel IRN (Alt + J): It will cancel the selected invoice from GST portal.


Implementation Note For Cancel IRN

Cancel IRN button will send a cancel request to E-invoice portal.

After cancelling IRN, Fusion updated Cancel’s status for invoice in any UDF(1-10) field.

Create an Item in (MIP), for example, "Cancel Invoice" as service type

Remove all item from the cancelled invoice and add this item "Cancelled Invoice" with 0 value.