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Release Notes RanceLab Release 2.801

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Credit Limit field is not available in the Sale Invoice Preview.


It is required to provide a field for credit limit in sale invoice windows preview. So that customer can easily check their credit limit provided for billing.



A field for “credit limit” has been added in windows preview in Sale Invoice.

Added a “Work Order Number” for POS print in the stock transfer voucher

In stock transfer voucher ( W T T ), under POS print option added  option

Print work order no. = Yes / No“.

Stock should not update by default during opening scheme or recipe.


While opening scheme and promotion or recipe, we recalculate the stock that takes a lot of time. You might want to disable this to speed up the opening.



We have disabled the stock update for master by default by ading the following option in In Global Option ( T A G ),

"Update stock during master creation = No"

Just set it YES if you want update stock on opening of Scheme & Promotion Master or Product Recipe Master (BOM).

Need Scheme Name and Discount Coupon Number on Discount Report.

In discount report (WOR) , two fields has been added.

Scheme Name

Discount Coupon

Need Hyperlink field in Windows Bill Design Field List.

UDF field "Hyperlink" has been added in Windows Preview Design Field List as “Link” for the following vouchers


Sale Order

Sale Challan

Sale Invoice  

Need to restrict a user to login in FusionMobi

In User Master ( M O U ), an option has been added  

“Can Login in Fusion Mobi = Yes/No”

Based on this option user will be allowed to login in FusionMobi.

Require remarks column in Void Item Analysis Report.

In Void Item Analysis report ( W F V ) a column “Remarks” has been added in column chooser. It will show the remarks that has been entered during a void transaction.

Require to know in which mode the payment has been received against the COD (cash of delivery) bills.


Cash On Delivery orders can be paid using Cash or Credit card / Debit card.

Registered Customers who have paid against Cash On Delivery, it is required to check in which payment mode the payment has been received against COD for each bills.



A column “COD Receipt” has been added in following reports

Sale Register (SRS)

Dispatch Home Delivery Report


In this column, the account name attached with MOP will be shown in which COD payment has been received. If the payment is received in multiple MOP then it will show the first account only.

Multiple print exe by multiple instance of FR was causing print of duplicate bills in some cases.


FR used to start a print exe instance each time it get started. That means if you open FR 3 time then print exe will also start 3 times. This was causing duplicate print of bills in some extreme cases.


We have restricted opening of print exe only one time even if multiple instance of FR is started.

We have done this by adding the following option in the Location Master ( M I L ),

Start Multiple Print Exe = NO / Yes

If NO = it will check for the previously running instance of print exe and if previously running instance of Print exe's folder is same as current exe then it will not start a new instance.

If YES = it will start a new instance of print exe without checking anything. You might need this option is you are using thin clients.



Requirement is to add product UDF Field in product info at Sale Invoice Scan POS.

All the User Defined Fields of Product Master has been added for windows printing in Sale Invoice Scan POS ( S T S ).

Enhancement in Scan Field to Incorporate Third Party Non Standard Product Barcode.


You might want to import products from the third-party system where they use a barcode format like PPPPPP.XXXX.

Wherein P stands for the product code and X is a running qty for that particular product.

In our system, these barcode from this third party should work.



First of all, we need to import the first P digits into our User Defined Code.

Then set the following global option as

"Truncate Product Scan Field After = . (DOT)


You need to enter the character you want to use to separate the product code from the barcode string.

Once you set DOT in above option, any input in the scan field will be truncated after this character.

Subsidy on Item based on Rates and Quantity Limitation per customer per month / per day.


Registered Customer can buy up to 6 eggs at a discount / subsidize rate (say Rs.5 each) on daily basis. After that, 7th or higher qty will be sold at a higher rate (say Rs.10) for that day.


In Buy x Get y Scheme Master added the following list items

Apply Scheme Once in = None / Daily / Weekly / Monthly


The scheme will run only once in a given period. For example If the customer buys 2 eggs in one bill then the scheme will run.

If the customer then buys 4 eggs in next bill the scheme will not run.

You can use the exclude card type in scheme master to set the registered customers only.

It will work in all sale modules ( S T T and S T S ).

Limit the digit for Mobile Number input to 10 Digit.


It might be required to ensure that the 10 digit mobile number is entered so that call or sms can work correctly.



In Location Master, a field is added :

Length of Mobile Number Input: 0 (0 means no restriction)

If 10, then the user must input 10 digits. However, the user can keep it blank.

Weighing Scale Integration: Separate Order and Billing Counter.


1.The counter will have a scale with printer and connect to a server computer in the local network.

2.The counter guy will weigh the selected item and give a slip (printed from scale) to the customer.

3.Customer will collect the slips from different counters.

4.The weighing scale will record the data to a database in a server computer.

5.At the bill counter, the operator will scan the barcode on the slips.

6.It will read the weighing scale DB and add items to bills.



In Location Master, a field is added  “Scale DB Connection”.

Here you need to define the connection string for the scale DB and the related SQL query to fetch the order data.

In STT & STS a button “Scan DB order (Alt+I) “ is added

This button will be used to read the order data from the third party database.

It will open an input box where we need to scan the barcode of the order slip printed by the scale.


Note: It is advisable to put the scale DB in the FR server so that there are no connection issues.


Barcode format should be likr MMBBBBB

First two space for Machine Name and last 5 space for Bill No (Fixed).

MM = Machine name (if single digit then prefix with 0)

BBBBB = Bill No. (If less than 5 digit then prefix with 0)


Sample JSON format to be updated in Location Master:


{"ConnectionString":"data source=FRServer\\RanceLab2008;initial catalog=WScaleDB;persist security info=False;user id=sa;password=;Connection Timeout=15;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;","QueryGet":"select pluCode AS ProductID, WtQty AS Qty from billSalesDetails-Duplicate WHERE BillNo = @BillNo AND MachineName = @MachineName"}


Required a Variable for Driver Mobile No for home delivery SMS alert related to Assign Driver.

In SMS Business Alert ( T M A ), a new variable “<Driver-Mobile>”  for driver mobile number had been added in the SMS content.

Apply different GST % in PMS room tariff based on the published room rates (not based on discounted rate)


You might need to charge GST based on room rate slabs in PMS

Less than Rs. 1000 = Nil

Rs. 1000 and above but less than Rs.2500 = 12 %

Rs. 2500 and above but less than Rs.7500 = 18 %

More than Rs. 7500 = 28 %



If  a hotel provides discount on the declared tariff then, if a room rack rate is Rs. 10,000/- per day and 40% discount is given, then GST rate of 28% (for tariff of Rs. 7500/- and above) will be applicable on Rs. 6000/- i.e. on the actual tariff charged. Therefore, the actual billing amount will be Rs. 6000/- + (28% of 6000) = Rs. 7680/-



In Room reservation voucher option - "Calculate Tax with Discount"  option is renamed as "Calculate Tax On".


And the list items "Yes" or "No"  has been renamed as :

Yes = Slab+Calc on Base Rate: In this option tax slab will be decided on base rate and tax amount calculated on base rate.

No = Slab+Calc on Disc. Rate: In this option tax slab will be decided on rate after discount i.e (Base rate - Discount) and tax amount calculated on rate after discount.

One more new list item has been added "Slab on Base Rate + Calc on Disc Rate": In this option tax slab will be decided on base rate and tax amount calculated on rate after discount i.e (Base rate - Discount)

The input format of Customer Mobile Number from had been changed from alphanumeric to numeric.


In Customer Master, users can enter alphabet letters at mobile number field, which needs to be avoided for correct entry.



In Customer Master, the mobile number field will only allow the numeric input.

Added group owner address and country detail variable in PMS print invoice.

In PMS print invoice, print variables for the Group owners address and city details had been added.

Need a column “Location Name“ in Variance Report

Solution: In Variance Report ( W F R ), a column chooser field ‘Location Name’ field has been added.

Need UPC/EAN code field in the mapping list of Sale Import.

In Import data settings ( T I I ), UPC/EAN code field is added in the mapping list of Sale Import. In case of Sale Import on UPC/EAN, sale will be imported on zero child.

Require approval system in Stock Transfer Indent

In Stock Transfer Indent option ( W T I ), an option is added:

Activate Approval = No / Yes

In Stock Transfer Indent Register ( W R I ), two buttons are added:



In both SMS Business Alert ( T M A ) and Email Business Alert ( T M B ), Two new reports are added:

Stock Transfer Indent Approved

Stock Transfer Indent Rejected


Note: Stock transfer challan will not be generated against Indent if it is not approved.

Enhancement in Auto Physical Stock Adjustment on day end process.

During the day end process, we adjust the stock of the child against which the physical stock has been taken for a product but other child's stocks remain intact.

Due to this next day stock is not showing as per the physical stock was taken.

Now it will adjust all the child's stock of the product.The stock of the selected child will become equals to physical stock entered and rest of the child's stock will become zero after auto adjustment.

CRM Points Fields required in Windows bill print for Scan and Touch POS sale.

In Touch POS windows bill print designer, the following fields had been added:

Opening Points

Earned Points

Redeemed Points

Closing Points


In Scan POS bill customization one field Redeemed Points is added:


NOTE: In Sale Invoice windows designer “CU-Redeemed Point” field will show total redeemed point of a particular customer and it will not show the redeemed point of a particular voucher.


The HD report should not change the date range for  other reports.

The HD reports used to change the default date range to day-3 which was affecting other reports too. Now onward this will change the date range specific only to HD report.


Require OTP based Customer Card Discount


Card discount should be applicable when OTP received at customer mobile no entered into the system.



In Global Option ( T A G ), an option has been added

OTP for Card Discount (Sale) = No / Yes

On selection of a customer, the system will check if there is any card discount for the selected customer, if found then it will send an OTP to customer mobile no.

It will send a default SMS to the customer.e.g.

“Please share this OTP <OTP> with the cashier to get "n"% discount .Thanks”.

It will ask for OTP before ordering.

The cashier needs to enter the OTP to proceed further.

It will work for both STT & STS.

Note: If user changes the customer after ordering, it will again send the OTP to new customer and ask for OTP and recalculate the discount and taxes accordingly.


Enhancement in Dispatch Home Delivery Report.


It is time taking process for people who do not have own drivers. They need a simple process to take payment (settle) without assigning the drivers.



In Designation Setup ( M O D ), an option had been added under Designation Action Control setting:

Allow Payment without Dispatch = No / Yes

If Allow Payment Without Dispatch = yes

Then the payment button will not check for assigned.

It will just mark the status as delivered.

If the payment is due, it will open the tender screen to receive the payment and mark delivered.


In Alt + D (Assign button),

All the selected invoice will be populated in the "Home Delivery Driver Assign Screen" after selecting the driver.

Voucher Date should be taken from Open Day Date instead of system date.


In case of Day Open / Close process, we take system date as voucher date after midnight.  Due to this, it becomes challenging to tally sales or stock for the specific day whose duration falls between to calendar date.



In Location Master, a new list type is added in the field of Allow Day Open /Close Procedure (apart from no / yes)

No:  in this case Day open / close process is not enabled

Yes: Voucher Date = System Date

Allow Day open/close Procedure: Without Midnight Date Change

Voucher Date = Day Open Date instead of system date

After midnight, Voucher Time should be always 11:59 PM till day close process.

Other date and time fields (like date-time-in date-time-out in Sale Touch POS (STT) will be not affected by this.


It will work with every transaction such as

Sale Scan POS ( S T S ) / Sale Touch POS ( S T T ) / Sale Challan / Sale Return

Purchase / Purchase Challan / Purchase Return

Stock Transfer / Indent

Physical Stock Entry

Accounting Voucher

Note: Auto Stock Journal Date is already based on the sale date.


Start ML even if the method of communication = IP so that it starts RanceLabAPI.exe


If Method of Communication = IP, then the ML does not start.

So the RanceLabAPI.exe also does not start. The manual start is also a problem with restarting.



We should start ML at HO even if the method of communication = IP.

The The ML.exe keeps a check on API.exe and start it (if found stopped).

If starting ML.exe creates any problem, you can remove ML.exe for the affected HO server.

Alias (other names) for Table Master used in Touch POS.


You may want to map a smart card with the table number. When you scan the smart card, it returns 10-15 digit. Keeping 10-15 digit number as table name is not practical.Therefor alias is required for the table name.



In Table Setup (MFT),  a button is added : "Alias Setup ( Alt + A )".

It will open a screen with Layout | Table Name | Alias

You need to scan the cards one by one on the alias column.

Now save the screen and the table name is now mapped with an alias.


Note: If a duplicate alias is found then it will not allow saving the screen.


Now in STT, in table mode, when you use open table command,

it will search first for the table name and if not found then it will check alias name.

If the alias is found then it will select the corresponding table number.