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Main Menu > Customer Relationship > Master > Customer Master

Main > Master Data Management > Others > Customer Master

In Customer Master check for GSTIN No for B2B customer

In Customer Master (M-O-C), After Saving Business Type=B2B,without Customer's GSTIN no. will not save.

Require CRM point multiplier on any particular MOP


As required, the System should generate Extra Points (it will be Specified or double)  on selecting a particular MOP during the settlement of a bill.


In Customer Master(M-O-C), under Card Type, Added a section MOP wise Campaign, under this section add a field "Points awarded on MOP", it will be a multiple selection list, it has 2 columns


MOP Name - List of MOP (Filter list on "Is CRM Point Calculation Required = Yes")

Points Awarded = any value

points will be calculated as defined here for the selected MOPs



In Global Option - set.

Generate CRM Points Based On = Bill value


Require an auto process to expire points not consumed after a certain period.


Currently, there is no option to expire points. Require a Lapse Policy to expire or cancel the points after some time.



Customer visits on 14th Feb 2019, his points will expire on 13th Feb 2020 (if validity days is 365).



The Customer Master (M-O-C) option - added one option.

Expire points earned before = 365 (any number) days.

In Process Scheduler (T>M>P) - added a process "Expire CRM Points."

This process will run as per the frequency and expire the points.

Say if we run the process on 12-12-19 then points earned before 12-12-18 (if we count 365 days) will expire if not redeemed.


Visit based Points.


Wants to allot points  on every visit of the customer



In Customer Master (MOC) -  Card Type master - added an option.

“Reward on every Visit = 0

Whenever the customer does a bill, this visit points will be credited to his account automatically.


In Customer Master do not allow to save GSTIN No less than 15 digits...


At present we are not checking the length of GSTIN No



Now the system will not allow saving GSTIN No less than 15 digits, but it will qualify if it is blank.


Note:  It will check the below format for a valid GSTIN number.


The length of GSTIN No: must be 15

1st two digits should be numeric

3-7 digits should be alpha

8-11 digits should be numeric

12th digit should be alpha

The 14th digit should be Z or C based on the Business Type.


The input format of Customer Mobile Number from had been changed from alphanumeric to numeric.


In Customer Master, users can enter alphabet letters at mobile number field, which needs to be avoided for correct entry.



In Customer Master, the mobile number field will only allow the numeric input.


Required linked customer should get the referral points for 1st sale only.

Scenario: The customer who is referring any new customer should get the referral points on 1st sale done to the referred customer.

Solution :  In Card Type Master, added a field

Referral Points =   50 (for example)

In this case 50 points will be awarded to the linked customer associated with the Main Customer for his first sale only.


Guidelines to implement Indian GST in RanceLab

Enhancement in Masters for Indian GST Readiness

Customer Master (MOC)

Added a new field “GSTIN No”

GSTIN No: Goods and Service Tax Identification Number.

Its a 15 digit alphanumeric code.

This field has been added in all related reports like Purchase Register, Sale Register

And also in DOS & Windows bill printing

It is avaiable in all the modules of Customer Service        

Business Type = None/B2B/B2C:

Now in Scan POS Sale (STS) or Touch POS sale (STT) - business type field will auto populate from customer master if customer is selected during billing.


Finger Scan Option in Prepaid Transaction

Now in prepaid card transaction, you can use finger scanner for selection of customer during billing.

In Customer Master (M>O>C), added  a button "Finger Scan"
It will record the finger scan of customer

In Sale Option, added a list item in

Prompt to Select Customer on Start = Finger Scan(Prepaid)

This option will work for only Prepaid card transaction in S>T>T.  For rest of the screen, customer selection list will work as default list, if this option is selected.


Modification of Card Location in Customer Master.

Now you can modify the customer card location from display screen in customer master.