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RanceLab Software User Help

Main Menu> Master data Management > Accounts Master > Cost Center

Cost Centers are analysis of ledger accounts only (they have no implication on inventory).

These are applied in Accounts Voucher only to break up the figures of Ledger Account in a voucher transaction.

For example, to get analysis of Festival Sales, B’Day / A’Day & Normal Sales of Sales Accounts separately, 3 cost centers may be created for analysis of all sales accounts figures. In the same way, using cost centers, analysis for other G L Accounts may be obtained.

Cost Centers are independent of any ledger account. For example, Department may be used as Cost Center to get analysis of Department wise Sales, Purchase and other ledger accounts transactions.

Cost Center Name

Enter unique Cost Center Name  


Buttons in the Cost Center Master:

Main Menu> Master data Management > Accounts Master > Cost Center


Cost Center Master Display Screen:

Main Menu> Master data Management > Accounts Master > Cost Center > Display