Supply Chain Management (SCM) is important because it increases competitiveness and customer satisfaction. In this day and age, SCM plays an integral part of your restaurant's success. Efficiently run supply chains allow your brand to quickly deliver raw-materials and supplies to the base or remote kitchen for a low cost. The purpose of SCM is to keep chaos at bay while synchronizing the activities of the network. It provides visibility, synchronization, and agility from menu items to raw materials, across distributors and suppliers.
FusinoResto creates a centralized or outlet wise purchase management system for your business. It maintains a list of items purchased from each supplier on negotiated prices. Creating orders and sending it to external suppliers. Items can be received in multiple goods received notice (GRN) against a single order with automatic update of stock in inventory. Multiple GRN can later be tagged to a single invoice for accounting purposes.
FusionResto advanced material management drives control for higher margins and profits. Plan, organize and control all the activities concerned with the flow of materials. It allows you to receive materials of single order into multiple delivery receipt notes. For corporate and special customers, you can setup price list. Advanced material management system significantly reduces inventory holding costs upto 18 percent annually. Gain real time visibility with reduced cost of goods sold.
FusionResto work order management creates effective planning, simplifies the coordination between kitchen and store. The built-in batch production system ensures high quality standards of each batch produced.
The FusionResto replenishment module automatically lists out the items that need to be procured with re-order quantity based on consumption during a specified period and pre-defined supply lead-time. FusionResto also ensures that receipt of the quantity and quality of goods are as specified in the purchase orders. It helps you with proper procedures to record damaged goods, short-delivery and over-delivery of goods - all backed by a robust audit system to ensure compliance with your business policy.
Purchase Order is a vital document to any form of restaurant business. It allows you to clearly communicate your requirements to your supplier viz., items, quantities, prices and details of products. FusionResto lets you quickly and easily create purchase orders and link it to single or multiple purchase bills. This saves your time of putting a check on what inventories are coming in and also secures you from having the same bill entered more than once. In case of price changes between order and delivery time, it is purchase order that saves you from such surprises.
Sales Order lets you take the orders from your loyal customers and helps you set the effective delivery schedule. It contains the information like product details, price, discount, applicable tax, delivery and payment mode. It can then be linked to POS for making easy invoice entry. Users have the option to auto populate all the items in a sale order to avoid re-entry of data. Sales orders are useful in forecasting revenue and assure fixed business for a period of time. It also helps in streamlining the production process during festive rush.
Any Supply Chain Management is incomplete without a price list and rate contracts. FusionResto price list and rate contracts are an effective tool to pre-set the rate, discount in percentage or amount, markup, margin and tax for single or multiple products. It also helps to fix the rate of supply for a time period. It is applicable at both purchase and sales and can be tagged to the customers as well as suppliers. Alternatively it can be set on a voucher type or can be selected during respective transaction entries.
Since the restaurant operations generate voluminous data, such as storekeepers raising indents and managers generating orders, it needs to be duly approved by supervisors to ensure integrity and accuracy. FusionResto offers a one-click approval system to review each transaction to push it further up the supply chain.
As the business grows, workload increases, number of transactions, quantity of inventory and area of business. We need a tool-box full of effective tools which reduces human effort and increases the efficiency of manpower. FusionResto provides a couple of tools that redirect your energy towards betterment of your business and lets you complete more work in less time.
Bulk Update of business data allows you to change the categorization and grouping of single or multiple products at one go. It also allows you to change the hierarchy of single or multiple account ledgers at one time. You can also change the type and status of a single or group of customers. Copy Voucher allows you to copy a voucher instead of creating it again. It is useful for recurring nature of transactions like rent and salary payment. These tools are made to reduce human effort and increase efficiency.
FusionResto Supply Chain Management increases your competitiveness while keeping your costs low. It plays an integral role in your restaurant’s success. The purpose of SCM is to keep chaos at bay while synchronizing the activities of the network. It provides visibility, synchronization, and agility from menu items to raw materials, across distributors and suppliers.
Yes, it comes with a built-in materials management system that drives control for higher margins and profits. Plan, organize and control all the activities concerned with the flow of materials.
Yes, when a PO is saved, you have an option to auto mail it, to the supplier.
Yes, it allows you to define order levels. Once levels are set, it automatically generates a purchase order by considering order levels, current stock in hand, orders placed with suppliers and a few other factors.
Yes, we have an option to import data from an excel or a csv file.
Yes, we have supplier or customer specific price lists and rate contracts. It helps you from the hassle of approving or reviewing the rates billed by your supplier. It also saves you from the manual error your operators make while entering these data.
Yes, it has an approval process that follows a maker and checker process. It let’s to approve an order before sending it to the supplier and saves you from any unpleasant surprises.