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Received from Customer

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Main Menu> Customer Service> Reports> Received From Customer

This report display all details of received from customer transactions.

Any transaction can be modified by opening from received from customer report.


Buttons in the Received from Customer Report:

Buttons in Received from Customer Report are explained in Using Report (Register). Buttons specific to the report are discussed here:

-L Select Type

All = Shows all of the transactions together.

Issue to Customer = Shows only issue to customer transactions.

Issue to Jobber = Shows only issue to jobber transactions.

Not Issued to Customer = Shows all of the transactions other than issue to customer.

Not Issued to Jobber = Shows all of the transactions other than issue to jobber.

Not Recd from Jobber = Shows all of the transactions other than received from jobber.

Recd from Jobber = Shows only received from jobber transactions.

-T Del Date

Shows Delivery Date of the transaction. Get the field "Delivery Date" from the Column Chooser if does not exist in the report. This is only available in Product View.

^T Vch Date

Shows Voucher Date of the transaction. Get the field "Date" from the Column Chooser if does not exist in the report. This is only available in Product View.