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RanceLab Software User Help

Main Menu > Settings >  Import & Export > Import Data (T > I > I)

Through this option you can import data into RanceLab from other popular data formats like Excel (.xls), Text (CSV), Text (TAB) and XML (.xml).

The format is mapped with RanceLab's specific module, ex: Product Master’s field list. Once this mapping is saved, you may specify time interval by pressing Alt + A key (Auto Import).

You may specify that mapped data file will be available at specified location. This wayRanceLab is configured to look for data at specified location at specified time interval.



Enhancement in Scan Field to Incorporate Third Party Non Standard Product Barcode.


You might want to import products from the third-party system where they use a barcode format like PPPPPP.XXXX.

Wherein P stands for the product code and X is a running qty for that particular product.

In our system, these barcode from this third party should work.



First of all, we need to import the first P digits into our User Defined Code.

Then set the following global option as

"Truncate Product Scan Field After = . (DOT)


You need to enter the character you want to use to separate the product code from the barcode string.

Once you set DOT in above option, any input in the scan field will be truncated after this character.


Need UPC/EAN code field in the mapping list of Sale Import.

In Import data settings ( T I I ), UPC/EAN code field is added in the mapping list of Sale Import. In case of Sale Import on UPC/EAN, sale will be imported on zero child.


Added Purchase Order Import

Now you can import Purchase Order from excel.

In Import Data (T>I>I) - added an option "Purchase Order" in Import as list