You cannot physically remove (delete) any master after creation.
If you do not want to work with any of the master created, you may deactivate a master, which will no more be available in selection list of master.
Subsequently, you will not be able to use such dormant master any more, in any transaction. However, all the transactions already entered before deactivation will remain intact, like all other active masters, and shown in all reports.
You can modify a voucher to change the deactivated master, but you cannot subsequently select the deactivated master in any existing or new voucher
•To deactivate a master, in Master Creation Form, click Display button (ALT + D) to get the list of existing masters. Click on the Is Active field of the mater record to be deactivated and select No.
•To reactivate a master, in Master Creation Form, click Display button (ALT + D) to get the list of existing masters. Click on Is Active field of the mater record to be reactivated and select Yes.