Main Menu > Sale Management > Analysis Tools > Customer Wise Sales
This is very helpful report to know which customers are giving you good / average / poor revenue. More it shows purchasing trend of the customers which helps you to differentiate between regular and casual buyers.
Both purchasing trend and purchasing power will enable you to determine loyal and good customers. And based on the determination you can serve them in better way by offering attractive schemes, gift vouchers etc.
In return you can earn more revenue as well as goodwill which will attract more valuable buyers.
Columns in the Customer Wise Sale are as follows:
Shows the name of the Customer.
No of Bills(Sale)
Shows total number of sale bills, which implies that how many times the customer has purchased from your store within the given date range.
Shows total revenue (Sale - Sale Return) earned from the customer within the given date range.
Last Sale(Days)
Shows the number of days since from the customer doesn't purchase anything from your store.
Last Sale(Date)
Shows the last date of purchase by the customer.
Max Bill Amt(Sale)
Shows the maximum bill size in amount, bought by the customer within the given date range.
Min Bill Amt(Sale)
Shows the minimum bill size in amount, bought by the customer within the given date range.
Cust Mobile
Shows the mobile number of the customer.
Cust Email
Shows the email address of the customer.
Buttons in the Customer Wise Sales report:
Buttons in the Customer Wise Sales report are explained in Using Reports (Register) and Periodical Purchase Report.
Caption Change required in Sale Management > Analysis Tools > Customer wise Sales
In Customer wise Sale Report (SAS) - some fields names have been changed as below
No of Bills(Sales) - Visit
Amount(Sale-Return) - Sales
Cust Mobile - Mobile
Cust email - Email
Require CRM points related field in Customer wise Sale Report (SAS)
In Customer wise Sale Report (SAS) - added following fields.
•Opening Pt
•Earned Pt
•Redeemed Pt
•Balance Pt
•Store Currency (Equivalent currency of balance points)