Name of the container.
Weight of each container in Kg.
Name of the supplier.
Name of the customer.
Op Pcs
Total number of containers entered in opening stock or closing quantities of previous year.
Op Wt
Total weight of containers entered in opening stock or closing weight of previous year.
In Pcs
Total number of inward containers.
In Wt
Total weight of inward containers.
Pur Ch Pcs
Total number of containers entered in purchase challan voucher.
Pur Ch Wt
Total weight of containers entered in purchase challan voucher.
Rej Out Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Rejection Out Voucher.
Rej Out Wt
Total weight of containers entered in Rejection Out Voucher.
Pur Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Purchase Voucher.
Pur Wt
Total weight of containers entered in Purchase Voucher.
PR Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Purchase Return Voucher.
Total weight of containers entered in Purchase Return Voucher.
Out Pcs
Total number of outward containers.
Out Wt
Total weight of outward containers.
Sal Ch Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Sale Challan Voucher.
Sal Ch Wt
Total weight of containers entered in Sale Challan Voucher.
Rej In Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Rejection In Voucher.
Rej In Wt
Total weight of containers entered in Rejection In Voucher.
Sal Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Sale Voucher.
Sal Wt
Total weight of containers entered in Sale Voucher.
SR Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Sale Return Voucher.
Total weight of containers entered in Sale Return Voucher.
Transfer Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Transfer Voucher.
Transfer Wt
Total weight of containers entered in Transfer Voucher.
Stk Journal Pcs
Total number of containers entered in Stock Journal Voucher.
Stk Journal Wt
Total weight of containers entered in Stock Journal Voucher.
Closing Pcs
Total number of balance / closing containers.
Closing Wt
Total weight of balance / closing containers.