Buyer: A buyer is a person or persons who wants to purchase a particular product or products.
Decision Maker: A decision maker is the person who ultimately decides if the purchase is made or not.
A person can be either or both. Just because a person is shopping alone doesn’t mean they are both. They could be a buyer but the decision maker isn’t with them or vice versa.
We often tend to focus more on the person who is probably showing interest in products or services you display or demonstrate and neglect the one who accompanies them. Let us understand with this an example.
A couple hunts into mens garments and the gentleman trying various outfits on him. Your sales person is focusing on him, displays the garments your store have and pays no attention to the lady. Now, the lady is the one who is going to take the decision which suits his husband (means to buy or not to buy).
Instead of overlooking the lady, involve her while you offer garment to the gentleman and perheps ask the lady, “Don’t you think this will look good on him”.
Involving decision makers is a sure-step process towards closing the deal.