Your Restaurant is doing well on some days while on the others it is just a drag. A lot of small things together can increase restaurant profits largely. It could be your location, the limited cuisine, average service or below average website. Yes, website. A website is one of the most important aspects of your restaurant business but sadly, is also the most overlooked one. It is in fact a glorified business card for you. Don’t you think?
In the digital day and age, it is foolish to not have an updated website for your Restaurant. It is never enough to just put a smile on your social media channels and be ‘okay’ with your website lying all dry and unused. Believe it or not, it is central to your marketing strategy and you need to pull your socks up right now to be able to use this powerful tool to your benefit.
Here’s how to increase restaurant profits leveraging its website:
Your Local SEO matters
You have no idea what local SEO can do to your profits. They can hit the roof and go right up the sky and sit pretty on a star. This is no joke. Your Restaurant is present at a sophisticated location. Who needs to know the most about this place? The people around your restaurant and the people of the city you are in. Isn’t it? How do you catch them? Not everyone has crossed the street your restaurant is in.
Potential customers are always looking online to find the best places in their locality to eat at. It is time you amp up your local SEO because all those people are specifically typing in a particular location when searching for a Restaurant. You can’t miss out because you didn’t pay attention enough to the online searches’ stats. ‘Google My Business’ page is your golden goose, if you haven’t figured it out yet. Put your Restaurant on that visibility map right away.
Emailing away
Your website has that one section that can spell ‘boon’ to your online marketing strategy. The section where people are supposed to fill in their details, including their email address! This is your ticket to their inboxes, which means you can tell them whatsoever you want to. Any information, special discounts and events, whatever it may be, you can reach your customers directly and let them know of current updates from your Restaurant.
Good restaurant software stores data for upcoming events, promotions and discounts. It is equipped with features that help you with information you need to create attractive emails to be sent out to all your customers. This will keep them coming back to your restaurant and you will win loyal customers really soon.
Make it responsive
Your website can’t be half cut when viewed on the mobile phone or a tablet. It immediately puts anybody off and they will not take any time to navigate away from your website and you don’t want that. To avoid this, you need to make sure your website is responsive, which means it fits any screen it opens up in. This ensures legibility and a better user interface to your potential customer.
Yes, a blog is very important to get your customers super interested in your Restaurant. Introduced a new food item? Blog it. Have some interesting food news? Blog it. Have something bizarre incidents related to the restaurant industry? Blog it. Keep it regular and crisp. People are hungry for good reads and they will soon be hungry for your restaurant’s scrumptious dishes too. Simply, blog it.
Reviews and Testimonials
There needs to be a dedicated review section on your website. You can always ask your regular and loyal customers to leave good reviews about your Restaurant. This is essential to the well-being of your profits because people do check reviews of a place before visiting it. Whether you like it or you don’t, they believe what other people have experienced.
You better make your reviews look good if you want your Restaurant business to look good.
These are not tough things to follow. Your website probably needs a little jolt and sculpting here and there. With the right approach, you will be able to achieve perfection in this aspect of your marketing strategy. The rest of course depends on how you choose to use it to your advantage. A Restaurant is known for its plush ambiance and exquisite cuisine. Imagine someone pointing out a shabby website of it. Doesn’t go down well like your food does. Isn’t it?
Then why compromise on this extremely important marketing tool? Make it the best and once you are in tune with all of the points mentioned above, you will see a marked difference in the footfalls to your restaurant. You need to tap every potential customer through every single channel and make it happen with your creativity and determination. As Callista Wengler of Paragary Restaurant Group rightly puts it, ‘’It takes an army of talented and creative people to execute a successful restaurant’’.
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